Tuesday, November 10, 2015

4 Months


You had another exciting month! You rolled over for the first time from your belly to back and held your bottle all by yourself!  I cried both times because you're just growing up so fast! You haven't rolled over since, but you're getting so much better at tummy time and you don't cry or fuss when we put you on your belly. You can push yourself up to get a better view of everything around you and you're starting to enjoy it a little more. You're also reaching for toys and still love putting everything in your mouth. You started grabbing our hands and bringing them to your mouth to suck on.  And speaking of grabbing things, you started grabbing my hair and earrings this month so I've been wearing my hair in a pony tail most days.  You're drooling so much that your dad and I have wondered if you're starting to teethe, but we don't feel anything quite yet. I'm really hoping you don't get teeth anytime soon because I'm not looking forward to the first time you bite me while you're nursing! You play with your tongue all.the.time and love blowing bubbles and raspberries. You're also becoming more vocal and talking up a storm! You make the cutest facial expressions when you talk, like you're really trying to get your point across. 

You're still sleeping about the same and we had some really rough patches this month where you would wake up every hour and a half to two hours at night wanting to be held or nursed. Thankfully that has passed.... For now.  We started your bedtime routine an hour earlier because you were getting overly tired and not the happiest baby in the evenings. You rub your eyes when you're sleepy now and since we moved your bedtime earlier, you don't fight going to bed as much. 

We went to Texas this month to visit your Uncle Greg and Aunt Danielle and you did great on your first plane ride! You didn't fuss much and even slept both ways.  Southwest gave you a certificate for your first flight and a pair of wings! Your Uncle Greg and Aunt Danielle are expecting their first baby (your first cousin!) and we went to their gender ultrasound and found out they're expecting a boy! We are so excited that you guys will be so close in age and you'll have someone to play with. We can't wait for them to move back to California! In Texas you didn't sleep the greatest, but that was to be expected and when we came home you settled right back in to your normal routine. Your dad and I are going to start sleep training to start better sleep habits for you and to keep our sanity! Sleep deprivation is REAL and part of me can't wait until your a teenager when I can wake you up bright and early on the weekends : ) 

You had your 4 month check up and shots today and you are a big boy! You're in the 90th percentile for length and Dr. Nauertz is estimating you'll be 6'3" or 6'4"! I shouldn't be so surprised since your dad and I are tall.  You're in the 75th percentile for weight and meeting all of your developmental milestones. You handled your shots like a champ and only cried for a few minutes before I nursed you. After you nursed you acted like nothing had happened. 

You are such a happy baby and totally learning how to flirt. You're the biggest cheese ball and love smiling. I got you to laugh this month and it's the most adorable thing ever.  You looooove eating still and are starting to get distracted with things around you while nursing. You love playing "Peek-a-boob" as your Grandma Benson likes to call it. You'll be toward the end of nursing, pop off, look up at me, smile or talk, then act like you're going to nurse again and do it all over again. It's the cutest thing ever and you totally know how to make me laugh. I am such a sucker for your cute smile and baby talk. 

I love watching you grow and change every single day. You have blessed me and your dad more than you'll ever know and are truly our miracle baby. You bring us so much joy and happiness and have shown us what unconditional love is all about. You'll always be my baby boy, Caleb, and I'll forever continue to give you kisses and tell you how much I love and adore you. Thank you for being mine. 
