This month you've seemed to grow so much developmentally and do something new every single day. You're quite the chatter box and make all sorts of noises. You make sure to let us know when you don't like something and when you get to talking, you usually go from 0 to 100 in a few seconds. We always tell you to slow down because you get so worked up you'll start to cry. You started your 5th month sleeping so much better at night. You would go down easy at night, only wake 2-3 times at night and not get up until 8 am. One day you didn't wake up until 9! However, the last week or so you've been consistently waking up every two hours and now you're waking up between 6 and 7. I'm one tired momma, but I'm taking it all in stride because I know it's just a phase. In the mornings your dad has been getting up with you and reading to you while I get a few extra minutes of sleep. I love listening to him read to you. It makes me so happy to know he gets to spend the mornings with you before he goes to work because you're usually asleep by the time he gets home. Your naps are hit and miss. Some days you'll take great naps and other days you fight them like he plague and only nap 20 minutes. You seriously don't want to miss anything and I wish you understood how amazing sleep is! You still refuse to nap in your crib and I've stopped stressing about it.... for now.
You're still breastfeeding like a champ and love the boobs. But, so long are the days where I could just relax with you while you nurse. You are so active and distracted while you're nursing now. If you hear something, you instantly pop off to see what it was and you're always looking around. You also like to punch, smack, pinch and kick me while you nurse now. You rarely ever lay still anymore and sometimes you break the skin when you pinch me. I also have a few bruises on my arms from you kicking. But despite the abuse I endure, I wouldn't trade breastfeeding you for the world. It truly is a special bond that we have and I still get a few moments where we stare into each other's eyes and you smile up at me. Breastfeeding has gotten so much easier and I'm at the point where I'm okay with you weaning when you're ready. I pray you don't decide to wean before a year though. I'll be extremely sad the day you decide you're done breastfeeding.
As much as I hate to admit it, I'm pretty sure you're teething. You chew on everything and drool like crazy. You like to play with your extra saliva in your mouth like you're chewing something and you've started sucking your bottom lip. You've clamped down while nursing a few times and that is no fun, so I can only imagine what it'll be like when your teeth pop through!
You've discovered your feet this month and love grabbing them. You arch your back now and try to throw yourself backwards when we hold you. You're rolling over from your belly to back more often and trying hard to roll from your back to belly. You're able to roll to your side with no problem and grab your toys. You love watching TV, especially football, and pulling your burp cloth or lovey over your face. You'll cover your face and flail around like you can't pull it off, but you totally can. I think you like feeling the cloth on your face with your hot breath. You're able to sit up with little assistance and I know it's only a matter of time before you can sit up on your own. You totally notice when your dad and I leave the room and start crying when no one is paying attention to you. As soon as someone walks over and acknowledges you, you start smiling and laughing. In the beginning of the month you started doing a fake cough when no one was paying attention to you. It was quite ridiculous, but worked every time.
You, my dear son, have us wrapped around your finger and know how to make our hearts melt. You've become such a flirt and love looking at other babies. I can't believe how much your growing and changing. You're so much fun and bring so much joy to us and everyone around you. You have no idea how much you're loved and adored. I love you like crazy, baby boy.