My sweet baby boy, where has the time gone?! It is so hard to believe you're 6 months old already. The time has gone by so quickly. There are a few things I keep forgetting to mention in your updates, that I figured I'd add to your 6 month update: you developed a small freckle on your right shoulder a couple of months ago and within the last month or so, you got one on your bottom lip! You also have a birthmark on your right calf that you've had since you were born. You love "thumping" your legs when you're in your crib and have done this for the last several months. We've been putting you in sleep sacks at night and you love lifting your legs up and then slamming them on your mattress. You slam your heels so hard that we're amazed you don't get bruises!
Your eyes are still the most beautiful blue and your hair is starting to come in better, although it's pretty thin. I think you're going to be blonde and blue eyed like your dad was when he was a little boy. You still love bath time and splashing the water everywhere. This month you've discovered your penis and love grabbing it while you're taking a bath. I can only imagine what we're in store for as you get older! You wear size 3 diapers now and fit into most 9 month clothes and a few 6 month.
This month you started sitting up unassisted and can usually maintain your balance for a few minutes before falling backward or to the side. You're able to reach for your toys while sitting up and you really enjoy being able to look around and see what's going on around you better. You're not rolling over anymore though and haven't rolled from your back to belly yet. You just don't seem too interested in that anymore. Tummy time is still hit and miss, but you're starting to push up higher and kick your legs.
You turn your head in the right direction when you hear something and are starting to respond to your name. You're still showing signs of teething, but nothing has popped through. You suck on your bottom lip and have been drooling so much that you've developed a rash below your bottom lip. You love chewing on Sophie, teething rings and pretty much anything else you can get in your mouth. You love exploring our faces and sticking your hands in our mouths and grabbing our noses too. You also think it's hilarious when I have my hair in a pony tail and flip it around. You developed a serious side this month and haven't been as smiley, but I think it's because you're really analyzing everything around you and trying to figure out this world.
This month you started watching what we were eating, making chewing motions while we were eating and getting so frustrated while watching us. We introduced you to solids when you turned 6 months and you really enjoyed it! We started you on sweet potatoes and you absolutely love them. Avocados are next! You're still breastfeeding every 3-4 hours during the day and started clamping down while nursing. Not cool son, not cool! But, we've made it 6 months breastfeeding and I think that's amazing. You still wake up anywhere from 2-4 times at night to nurse and I don't know how I manage to function during the day, but I've somehow adjusted.
You started napping in your room finally.... Although you still nap in your swing and I don't know when we're going to break you from that. We celebrated your first Christmas this month and you loved trying to open up presents. It was such a special time for us and one that your dad and I have looked forward to for many, many years.
Caleb Scott, you are the most adorable baby ever and have such a personality. Even on the rough days, I wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom for anything. I love watching you grow and seeing your personality develop. I love you more than you'll ever know my little ham!