7 months have come and gone. The months are flying by and before we know it we’ll be planning and celebrating your first birthday. At 7 months, you’ve mastered rolling in every direction and we can’t leave you up on elevated surfaces and walk away any more. You’re sitting up unassisted but haven’t figured out how to get into sitting up on your own yet. You’re still not into food much despite having tried sweet potatoes, avocado, peas, carrots, butternut squash, applesauce, mango, pears and prunes and you’re trying to figure out a sippy cup.
You’re sleeping better at night this month, waking twice and occasionally you’ll only wake up once. Your morning naps continue to be your best naps of the day since you don’t fight them, but your afternoon naps have been rough. I think you’re starting to go longer periods in between naps and I’ve been trying to put you down too soon. You’re still breastfed and nothing has changed with that as far as frequency, but you sure do get distracted when nursing now and sometimes it’s really hard for me to get you to finish nursing.
You had your first trip to Arizona this month to visit Nama Desiree and Papa Jim. You got in the pool for the firs time and enjoyed relaxing in the water. Overall, you did great on the trip but had a hard time sleeping at night- which was to be expected.
This month you had your kidney check up as well as a follow up appointment with your urologist for your testicle. Your initial lab work came back concerning, but we found out it was due to the awful blood draw and that was the reason your results were off. When we had your labs done again, everything came back perfect and your kidney function is totally normal. Your ultrasound was normal as well and your kidney continues to grow just as it should. We’re in the process of switching to a different nephrologist because we don’t like the one you currently have. Unfortunately your left testicle, if it’s there, has not descended and we’re awaiting a surgery appointment for your urologist to see if it’s there and take the necessary steps to bring it into the right position if you do have it. Your urologist doesn’t think you do because your right testicle is a bit larger than normal and just like your one kidney, if you only have one testicle it will over compensate for the missing one and grow larger. I’m not looking forward to you having surgery and it scares me to put you under, but it is what will be best for you in the long run.
You’re much more into toys now that you can sit up and still love watching big brother act silly. It certainly is not easy having two young boys, but I adore you and your brother and look forward to all of the fun adventures we will have as a family.
Logan, you’re my little firecracker. You’ve got spunk, sassiness, attitude, charm and the sweetest little face. I adore the way you grab my face when you’re tired and open mouth kiss my cheek, the way you move your legs when I’m holding you on my hip and you get excited and how you’re always quick to let us know what’s on your mind. Always speak your mind and don’t hold back, but please be respectful when doing so ; )
I love you,