My feisty, sassy boy! You have found your voice this month and you LOVE screaming and yelling. You’re quick to let us know when we need to pay attention to you that’s for sure. You said dada this month, but I’m not too sure you are intending on saying dada for your Dada. You like playing with your tongue and all the cool sounds it can make- your favorite it clicking it. You also love to make raspberries and doing it right in our face.
You’ve found more interest in food this month and are eating more solids. Your favorite foods are sweet potatoes and butternut squash. You’re starting to enjoy nursing more and hit my chest when you want to nurse. You’re still pretty distracted when we’re anywhere other than home and it can be a challenge getting a full feeding in.
At the beginning of the month, you slept for 7 solid hours at night. But that was a one time deal and then you started fighting going down at night and nap time. You didn’t want to nurse to sleep, so I would have to stand up with you and sing while rocking you to calm down and go to sleep. Thankfully that has passed for the most part. I haven’t been ready to sleep train you, but I think that time is near because I haven’t been getting much sleep at night. On average you wake up at least 4 times at night and I long for the days when I would get a 3 hour stretch of sleep. I don’t know how I’m surviving, but somehow I am.
You started developing a little separation anxiety this month and went through a phase where you didn’t like us putting you down and/or walking away from you. Your brother is a great distraction though and if he is around, all is right in the world. You also waved this month for the first time and it’s so sweet. You get your whole arm into it.
You’re still not crawling but are rolling around like crazy. You’re so hard to get dressed and a diaper change because you’re so squirmy. You still don’t like getting dressed. A day before you turned 8 months your first tooth cut through! The bottom left central incisor finally made its appearance and I really though it would’ve cut through long before now, but what do I know?
We went to The Great Wolf Lodge which is an indoor water park and hotel for one night as a belated birthday present for your brother. We all had so much fun and you enjoyed sitting in the water watching all of the kids play. You’re the happiest in the mornings and at bath time. You’ve taken a bath in the big tub a few times with your brother, but the small tub is just easier most of the time- although you try to pull yourself out all the time. You love seeing water trickle down out of the washcloth as we hold it above your head.
You are as ticklish as ever and tend to double over when being tickled while laughing. You love being lifted into the air and going up and down too. When you’re sleepy or over something, you’ll scratch the back of your neck and leave red marks.
Logan, you are somethin else. You’re feisty, sassy, squishy, lovable, want to be a part of everything and are so determined. You are going to be our outspoken, testy and mischievous boy I just know it. And if I’m wrong, that’s okay! As long as you sleep at night I’ll be happy : )
I love you cranky pants