Tuesday, November 28, 2017

29 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 29 weeks! 
Baby is the size of an: acorn squash. 
Total weight gain: 19.6lbs 
Stretch marks? A couple light ones popping up in the same area I got them with Caleb. 
Maternity clothes? All the time or leggings/workout pants. 
Sleep: Still waking up at least once at night to go pee.  Some insomnia after getting up to use the restroom or not being able to fall asleep once Chris gets home from work. 
Best moment this week: Spending Thanksgiving with my mom and step dad in Arizona. 
Miss anything? Beer. 
Food cravings: None this week 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. 
Gender: BOY!! 
Labor signs: I’ve had quite a few Braxton Hicks this week.
Symptoms:  Heartburn is becoming a daily/nightly occurrence, gassy/burpy, always peeing. Logan has enjoyed pushing on my bladder and making me feel like I need to pee every few minutes. 
Belly button in or out? Sometimes it sticks out a little and other times it’s flush with my belly. 
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Christmas, maternity pictures and meeting with our doula.

I had my kidney and bladder ultrasound at exactly 29 weeks and I have both of my kidneys! I wasn’t told anything else by the ultrasound tech, but I should get the full report in a few days.  I’m anticipating Chris has both of his too, but we’ll see later this week.  Next week I have my first NST and another OB appointment.  After that appointment, OB appointments will be every 2 weeks until about 37 weeks when I’ll be going weekly.  Logan is as active as ever and I’ve been feeling lots of elbows/knees pushing out, rolls and hiccups. 


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