How far along? 36 weeks!
Baby is the size of a: large cantaloupe. At our ultrasound this week he weighed approximately 6lbs 3oz and his growth has slowed down a little, so he’s only measuring a week ahead instead of several weeks ahead.
Total weight gain: That half a pound I lost last week came back with a vengeance this week putting my total weight gain at 27.7 lbs.
Stretch marks? The ones on my sides have gotten dark pink, but I know they’ll fade with time.
Maternity clothes? All the time or leggings/workout pants.
Sleep: Sleep was a little better this week. Getting up anywhere between 2-3 times at night.
Best moment this week: Seeing Logan at our ultrasound, although we didn’t get any profile or 3D pictures because he’s getting pretty cramped in there. He’s still doing great and there’s no concerns with his right kidney function or my amniotic fluid.
Miss anything? Solid sleep- which I know I won’t see again for quite some time! And still missing that beer or glass of wine.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I got a little nauseous this week out of nowhere, but it went away after a few hours.
Gender: BOY!!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks are happening daily, mostly in the evenings. On Sunday I experienced some menstrual like cramps down low and a lower backache which apparently are a sign my body is getting ready for the big day.
Symptoms: Heartburn has subsided this week and I think Logan has dropped. He’s still moving a ton, I’m peeing all the time, my joints are starting to swell/expand although I don’t have any hand/ankle/foot swelling and leg/foot cramps have gotten worse this week. My boobs are getting sore too.
Belly button in or out? It’s pretty much out all the time.
Wedding rings on or off: My actual wedding rings are off because my joints and knuckles are swelling, so now I’m wearing my Qalo (silicone) wedding ring.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and emotional at random times.
Looking forward to: the big day and meeting Logan.
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