This month you’ve been much more aware of things around you and spend more time awake. You smile back at us, coo and make the most adorable squeals when you’re excited. You kick your legs like crazy and move your arms around too. You’ll hit or kick your toys on the play mat, but not deliberately quite yet. You found your hands this month and in the middle of the night you get one arm free from your swaddle and suck on your hand when you’re ready to eat. Speaking of eating, during the day you nurse about every 2 hours and at night you’ve been going for much longer stretches. You go down at night between 8 and 9 and sleep until about 1, nurse then go back down until around 3:30 or 4 and then you’re up around 7. You don’t stay up for long though. You usually nurse, poop and play for an hour tops before you want to take a nap. Your morning naps are the longest and you usually sleep until 10 or 11. The rest of the day is hit and miss for naps. Since I bought a Halo sleep sack swaddle for you a few weeks ago, you’ve been a much better sleeper at night and have been sleeping in your pack n play next to our bed. I’ve been enjoying the longer stretches of sleep and pray they continue.
You’re not much of a comfort nurser- when you’re done nursing, you’re done and want nothing to do with the boob....unless you’re going through a growth spurt or had a busy day and just want to be close to me. I’m still your favorite person and when no one else can comfort or console you, I usually can. You’ve got quite the attitude and when you don’t like something, you’re quick to let us know. You love to be held over our shoulder while walking around or facing out while sitting on our lap. You still love to stare at ceiling fans and shadows and those make you really excited.
We dedicated you at our church this month which means we will raise you to know Jesus Christ and keep him at the forefront of our lives as your grow and mature into a young man. We were very blessed to have most of our immediate family there with us to witness your dedication. You also went to Knotts Berry Farm for the first time and you slept most of the time. I wore you in the Ergo when we went on your first ride- The Calico Mine Train.
Logan, you’re such a sweet boy and your smile lights up your entire face. When I found out I was pregnant with you I wasn’t sure if I could love another child as much as I love your brother. But, it’s amazing how my heart has grown and how much love I have for you. You are a miracle and the perfect addition to our family. I love you baby boy.
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