Thursday, July 19, 2018

Logan 5 Months


You had an exciting 5th month! We went on our first camping trip as a family of four to Lake Siskiyou with our extended family.  Lake Siskiyou is about 10 hours from our house and we split the drive into two days.  For the most part, you did great on the drive.  You and I stayed pretty low key while your brother and dad got to do quite a bit! I didn’t mind though and you were such a sweetheart on the trip.  Soon enough, you’ll get to do all the things your brother is doing and it’s going to be so much fun watching you experience so many firsts!

When we got back from our trip, we had one more night of co-sleeping before transitioning you to your crib.  You transitioned so much easier than I anticipated.  I got sick to my stomach just thinking about how it would go and just like everything else I worry about, it went well.  You’re now officially napping and going to bed in your crib.  I enjoyed having you close to me while we slept, but I’m so enjoying having more time to myself and with your dad during the day and evenings.  

This month you started playing in the jumper activity center and you love it! You will entertain yourself for quite some time before getting over it.  You are so smiley lately and love watching your big brother.  He can get you laughing like no one else can and it’s amazing watching your relationship develop.  

You discovered your feet this month and your new favorite toy- your penis! As soon as you get in the bath, your hands grab it and you can get pretty rough with it sometimes.  We’re always telling you to be gentle and nice to it! 

You’re really starting to watch us eat and drink lately.  You will try to hit our drinks or grab our utensils if we’re holding you.  You even move your mouth like you’re trying to eat whatever we’re eating.  In just one short month, you’ll get to experience food little man! We’re still breastfeeding and you’re nursing every few hours still.  At night you’re waking anywhere from 3-4 times and each time you wake, I just nurse to back to sleep because it’s the easiest way to get you back down.  Luckily, it usually only takes 10 minutes to get you back down.  

You’re napping at least twice a day in your crib and very rarely we’ll get a third nap out of you.  You go down for the night around 8pm and are up for the day anywhere between 8am and 9am.  

Logan, these months have gone so fast.  I can hardly believe you’re already 5 months old.  Your smile lights up a room and your laugh is so adorable.  You love playing peek a boo and you’re starting to pay more attention to our dogs and cats.  You’re still drooling a lot, but there’s no signs of any teeth popping through yet.  

I love you,

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