Friday, November 16, 2018

Logan 9 Months


It has been another busy month for you! You are changing and learning something new every day.  You cut your second tooth this month and are eating purées and little bites of food three times a day.  You love feeding yourself and have mastered the pincher grasp. We’re introducing new foods to you all the time and so far there isn’t a food you don’t like.  You also use a sippy cup more efficiently now, but still like to use it as a teether more than anything.

Your sleeping patterns are still rough and you’re consistently inconsistent with your sleep.  For the first week or so of this month you were constantly up at night anywhere from 5-6 times and just wanted to nurse and be held. When you’re tired and trying to fall asleep, you’ll hit your head with a hammer fist.  You love to sleep on your side and belly- when you do sleep! Twice this month you didn’t want to be nursed or rocked to sleep so I laid you down in your crib and you fell asleep all on your own within 10 minutes! You still nap twice a day and your morning nap is usually your longest one.  

You love being held and carried.  You’re babbling so much mores and are saying “dadadadada” and “bababababa” all the time.  Most of the time though, you scream and screech to communicate.  You and your brother go back and forth yelling at each other.  You’ve also started doing a scrunchy face and being more expressive.

You’re trying so hard to crawl and so far you’ve just scooted forward doing a modified army crawl.  You’ve gotten into the plank and crawling position but haven’t figured out how to move your arms and legs at the same time. You’ve tried to pull yourself up a few times too! 

We celebrated your first Halloween and you dressed up as a monkey.  We took your brother around the neighborhood to go trick or treating while you watched in the stroller.  If I haven’t mentioned it yet, you’re taking the majority of your baths in the big bathtub with your brother at night.  You love splashing and chewing on any toy that fits in your mouth.  You absolutely hate when we take things away from you and you’ll throw a fit.

Logan, you are my little firecracker and growing up way too fast.  You’re in the 50th percentile for weight (19.14 lbs) and height (28.5 inches).  You’re perfectly proportioned and doing amazing.  You’re flirting more and more each day with strangers and doing anything to get their attention.  You love when we’re out and about and watching things around you.  We can just see your little brain working and processing everything.  I love you so much Logan!


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