Friday, December 12, 2014

10 Weeks!

How far along? 10 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Prune
Total weight gain: 2 pounds? It fluctuates too much to really know. 
Stretch marks? None on my belly, but one decided to sneak up on my boob this week! 
Maternity clothes?  I purchased a few tops and maternity leggings from on Black Friday because they were having such a good sale, but I have yet to wear them. 
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good. I get up once or twice during the night to go to the restroom. 
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby at our appointment yesterday and "graduating" from our fertility clinic.  I have officially been released to my Ob-Gyn.  My first appointment with my Ob-Gyn is tentatively scheduled for December 31st, but that might change when they get their January calendar so that Chris can go to the appointment with me.  
Miss anything? Not this week! 
Food cravings: Salty, sour and spicy foods.  Claussen pickles in the morning? Yes please! Cheerios and Cuties are still pretty tasty. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! I haven't gotten nauseous at all this week.  Thank you baby! 
Gender: No idea! 
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: Hungry and emotional.  When i'm hungry, I have to eat or I get super crabby.  If I get up too fast or move a certain way, I get sharp pains in my hips.  It's really strange, but Dr. Norian said it's probably just growing/stretching pains. 
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I asked Chris if he thought i've been moody lately and he immediately answered "Yeeeeeeeessssssssss"....... so true. 
Looking forward to: My belly popping out and actually looking pregnant, not like I ate one too many donuts!

Yesterday was bittersweet as we graduated from our fertility clinic.  Dr. Norian told me I could resume all normal activity and stop my estrogen supplements immediately.  Unfortunately, I have to wean off of the progesterone, but I will be all done with it by Monday! Hallelujah! I got all of my medical records from the very beginning of our IVF journey to give to my Ob-Gyn and they gave us a sweet gender neutral baby blanket.  

We will definitely be keeping in touch with Dr. Norian and his staff throughout the rest of the pregnancy and when our baby arrives.  We can't say enough good things about the staff at HRC Fertility.  They really took the time with us and it meant so much to always see Dr. Norian at every appointment.  At our previous fertility clinic, we saw someone different each time and it got really annoying.  We felt like there was no consistency and we were just a number.  Dr. Norian performed all of my ultrasounds, the egg retrieval, embryo transfers and was available by phone any time we needed him.  Our nurse, Saba, was always available by phone or e-mail, as well, to answer any questions and put my mind at ease.  If you or anyone  you know are looking for a fertility doctor, I highly recommend HRC Fertility Rancho Cucamonga.  We will definitely be going back for baby number two when we're ready (and if we don't conceive naturally the next go around).

Our baby has grown so much since our last ultrasound.  It is absolutely amazing.  It has little arms and legs that are already starting to kick and flail around in my belly.  I can't wait to actually feel it move and then when Chris can feel it too.  The heartbeat was strong at 165 bpm and it measured 3 days ahead of schedule.  In the picture below, the baby is upside down. You can see it's little arms!!



  1. I came across your blog a few minutes ago and skimmed through a few posts. I'm 2dp5dt today and I'm on pins and needles! I'm cautiously optimistic. I want to be so excited that this could really happen, but then on the other hand I'm so scared to let myself think that way! We've never had a bfp so I'm pretty used to the let down every month. Unfortunately we didn't get any frosties so if this cycle doesn't end up positive, then I'll be stimming again :(

    You and your blog give me hope! I hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy.

    1. Thank you! I know how hard it is to stay positive. I was convinced this last cycle didn't work because I didn't really feel any different. Just know that every woman is different and don't have any signs or symptoms before they get their positive! Best of luck to you!
