How far along? 10 weeks, double digits!
Baby is the size of a: strawberry or date, almost and inch and a half long.
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself, mostly because of all of this bloat 😑
Stretch marks? No.
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants/shorts sound amazing, but they still don't fit well. My regular jeans are uncomfortable to wear though and if I do wear them, they have to remain unbuttoned.
Sleep: Still waking up once or twice a night to go pee, but I have had the occasional night where I'm up 3-4 times to go pee.
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat on my fetal doppler! I thought I heard it at 9 weeks 4 days, but the doppler wasn't registering it and it was very faint. But I definitely heard it this morning at 10 weeks and it got up to the high 160s. It made me feel so much better and reassured me that everything is ok.
Miss anything? My energy.
Food cravings: Nothing crazy.... things have sounded good to eat but I wouldn't say I NEED it right now. I just need food in general and feel like I'm constantly eating.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but I have felt a little nauseous a few times.
Gender: I'm convinced baby is a girl.
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time!
Symptoms: Still bloated the moment I eat something, my boobs ache on and off, my nipples are very sensitive, my acne seems to be clearing up, I had my first migraine since getting pregnant yesterday and it hit me out of nowhere, I don't seem to be as hungry but still need to eat frequently. And constipated like no other.... give me all the prunes!
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Still gonna go with moody!
Looking forward to: every milestone we reach 💙
I made it back to group training twice this week and felt pretty good afterwards. It's really hard to not push myself and take it easy, but I think I'm doing pretty good about modifying exercises when needed and taking breaks. I'm planning to go at least twice a week and hopefully a few more times during the week as I can and as long as I feel good.