How far along? 8 weeks
Baby is the size of a: raspberry.
Total weight gain: about 3lbs
Stretch marks? No.
Maternity clothes? I put on a pair of maternity shorts this week, but felt a little silly wearing them so I changed.
Sleep: Still waking up once or twice a night to go pee, having a difficult time falling back asleep after the second time.
Best moment this week: Chris' cousin Jeff got married this weekend and Chris wanted to tell some family so bad, but I had to keep him in check. It wasn't our weekend and I'd never share news like that on someone else's special day.
Miss anything? Not feeling bloated all the dang time.
Food cravings: Nothing crazy.... things have sounded good to eat but I wouldn't say I NEED it right now. I just need food in general and feel like I'm constantly eating.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but I have felt a little nauseous a few times. Nothing to where I feel like I'm going to throw up though.
Gender: Id love another boy, but I'm starting to think our little peanut is a girl.
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time!
Symptoms: Crazy dreams have seemed to slow down a little bit, still bloated, my boobs aren't aching as much as they were, but my nipples 😳....., Ive been so tired that I need to take a nap. It's so bad that I feel exhausted after getting ready in the mornings and would go back to sleep if I could. I've had a few more dizzy spells this week, HUNGRY- it hits me out of nowhere and I need to eat RIGHT NOW. Light spotting. Constipated 👎🏼. And a few zits have popped up.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Still gonna go with moody!
Looking forward to: My first OB appt on July 7th!
I went back to the gym this week and did one session of group training. I felt ok during the session, maybe a bit more winded and I definitely didn't push myself like I usually do, but afterwards my groin area started hurting and aching so that worried me. I think I'm going to hold off on anything high intensity until after the 1st trimester....
I started spotting a little on Saturday, but it wasn't much. If I wasn't paying attention, I'd probably never notice. However, it was kind of worrisome. No pregnant woman wants to see spotting. I remember spotting with Caleb around this same time, but when I had it with him it was bright red and definitely noticeable. It was nothing like that. I was able to take a nap and get some rest and by the next day it was gone. I've been feeling a little achy in my lower abdomen and I don't know if that's things growing/stretching or if I just need to poop. Pregnancy constipation is real folks.
I'll feel more relieved when we see the baby again on Friday and feel confident telling everyone on Saturday at Caleb's party. I'm looking forward to telling the world we're expecting and that we're expecting without any assistance from our fertility doctor, that we beat the odds and miracles can happen. Part of me still feels like it's too good to be true and I'm waiting for reality to hit me, but I know this is reality and this baby was chosen to be here for a reason. I'm trying to find joy amongst my anxiety and being apprehensive to get too excited. That's what years of infertility does to you and it's hard to get out of a certain mindset.
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