*Originally written on June 1, 2017
Around February, Chris and I started taking some new supplements to see if it could help our chances of producing more viable sperm, eggs and ultimately better quality embryos when we decided to do our next IVF cycle.... and we figured they couldn't hurt our chances of conceiving on our own too. I started tracking my ovulation again around the same time just to see when I ovulated to help our chances. Each month I knew I wasn't pregnant and sure enough, I wasn't.
In May, Chris and I started talking about doing a fresh IVF cycle and figuring out our finances to make it possible. We were getting excited about starting the process again and getting pregnant. I got a positive ovulation test on May 21st and May 22nd. We handled business as usual and I prayed on it so hard. I told God whatever his plans were for our next baby, I would welcome them with open arms and that we were ready. On May 23rd I got an awful stomach bug or food poisoning and found myself stuck in bed all day or in the bathroom. I was miserable and for the next 2 days I barely ate or drank anything because the thought of food made me nauseous. I thought for sure our already slim chances of conceiving were out the window.
On May 29th, I sent an e-mail to our IVF nurse letting her know we were ready to move forward with a fresh IVF cycle and that I would start my period on or around June 6th.
Then on May 30th I started feeling things.... twinges, cramps, and that familiar feeling I had when we got pregnant with Caleb via IVF. I was out running errands all day with Caleb and on the go. When we got home in the afternoon, I Googled when implantation was likely to occur because I genuinely had no idea when it happens if you conceive naturally. 9 days past ovulation was what I found. I was 9 days past THAT day. I decided to take a pregnancy test because why not? After a few minutes I didn't see anything, then after 10 minutes I saw thee faintest line. So faint that you had to squint to see it and hold it in the brightest light. I thought for sure it was an evaporation line or my eyes were playing tricks on me and threw the test away.
That night, Chris and I talked about how awesome and amazing it would be if we got pregnant on our own. He didn't know I took a test, but I told him what I was feeling and we started dreaming and hoping. The following morning, May 31st, I took a test. Without a doubt, a line showed up. It was faint, but I was only 10 days past ovulation and not supposed to start my period for another 5 days. Chris wasn't home- he had to get some lab work done that morning and I decided to tell him when he got home. I was in shock. I cried. I knew something was going on with my body, but how could this be possible?
When Chris got home, I showed him the test. After telling him what he was looking at, he was in disbelief. He asked if it was for real and how accurate the test was. That night, I took another test. I wasn't expecting it to be much darker, but it was! It was much more noticeable and stronger.
I'm praying so hard this baby sticks and we get to meet him or her in February. It feels right. Everything feels good and like it did when I got pregnant with Caleb. I feel so positive about this pregnancy and am in awe we were FINALLY able to get pregnant on our own. After 6 1/2 years. No medical assistance, no medications, no needles, no blood draws, no ultrasounds to monitor my ovaries/uterine lining to time everything just right. Our bodies finally figured it out and this baby is nothing short of a miracle.
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