Monday, July 28, 2014


Today was my first day back to work after the transfer. As much as I didn't want to go back and deal with what I've been putting on the back burner the last month, I didn't want to use anymore sick or vacation time when I really didn't need to. 

So, today I'm officially 5 days past transfer! People have been asking how I'm feeling and if I feel any different. I can't say I do. I feel great. On 3dp and 4dp transfer, I noticed little pinching like sensations in what I think would be my uterus. They last a few seconds and then go away. Or I'll get a sharp jab on the right or left side of my lower abdomen. My chest is getting a little sore today and I've had a few pains in the ladies, but nothing crazy.  Today I've been tired and blah, but that's probably due to being back at work. 

I'm totally guilty of Googling what others have felt on certain days past transfer or watching YouTube videos of people who have gone through IVF to see if anything is the same with me. Everyone is totally different. Some people don't feel anything and end up with a positive, then others feel like they're pregnant and get a negative.  Some women have tested as early as 5dp5dt and gotten a positive and as much as id love to test, I'm going to wait until August 4th.  After our blood test that Monday, I will update the blog/Instagram and let everyone know the results.  I don't believe in superstitions and I don't think if I tell everyone I'm pregnant that early it'll jinx everything.  If it's meant to be, it will be!  I know this is going to work. I'm feeling positive about everything and don't doubt that there are two little microscopic babies growing in my uterus.  Here's a little chart of what should be going on each day after transfer: 

Last night I had a dream we had an ultrasound at around 18 weeks. We found out we were having a boy and a girl! Then we had another ultrasound done at 20 weeks and it changed to twin boys! So exciting. 

Oh! And I called the fertility clinic to see how many embryos were actually frozen and we have 5 beautiful embryos that were frozen. The other two they were watching didn't continue to develop so they were "discarded".  I am so happy that we have 5 potential babies for the future and I won't have to go through the whole retrieval and injection process again. 


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