Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Transfer day!

What an emotional morning!!! Since Saturday I've been worried about how our embryos were doing and how many continued to develop. It's pretty typical for some to stop developing after a day or two, so I was expecting to maybe have 5-7 embryos left today.  When Dr. Norian came in he said,"Basically what it comes down to is you guys make beautiful embryos. All 9 have continued to develop and we have 5 that are blastocyst and ready for transfer." 

WHAT!? I was shocked. The other 4 were continuing to develop, but weren't quite ready for transfer yet. There's a possibility that one may have stopped growing, but they'll continue to keep an eye on it.  We discussed how many embryos to transfer and Dr. Norian was on the same page with the number we wanted to transfer. He said given how long we've been trying to conceive, what treatments we've already done and the quality of our embryos, he felt confident that 2, yes TWO, embryos was a good number to transfer.  He told us we have a 30% chance of having twins. I am totally fine with twins or one baby.

Dr. Norian gave us this picture of our embryos and he thinks the two larger ones on the left are the ones the embryologist chose to transfer. I told him to pick the two boys! : ) 
Isn't it crazy that those are our babies??? It's truly amazing! 

The transfer itself was painless. I didn't feel a thing other than the speculum and the catheter went in with no problems. We were able to watch the whole thing through the ultrasound, which was done on my belly with a FULL bladder (that's a must for the transfer). Dr. Norian said I may have some pinkish discharge (sorry for the TMI) after and said, "Don't worry, it's not your embryos falling out."  I couldn't stop laughing. He is the quirkiest guy and I absolutely love it. 

Afterwards, I had to stay laying down for 10 minutes then I could use the restroom! I had to go back in the room and lay down for another 30 minutes or so and then was free to go home. I'm to be on bed rest for atleast the next 48 hours with my legs elevated, but I'm sure I'll spend the next 5 days in bed or on the couch just for good measure. I don't go back to work until Monday so I have plenty of time to relax. 

So when do we find out if I'm pregnant?? August 4th! The nurse discouraged me from taking a pregnancy test at home and I wanted to tell her she's crazy. I don't know if I'm gonna make it all the way to the 4th.... I'll try my hardest. 

Here's a few pictures from today! 

During the transfer 
The little white blob the arrow is pointing to in my uterus are the embryos surrounded in the fluid they've been living in the past 5 days

I hope the next 12 days go by quickly! We feel so blessed we have this opportunity and are feeling so positive that this is going to work! Thank you for all of your prayers and kind wishes. They mean more to us than you'll ever know! 



  1. You two make me so proud. To see the smiles on your faces ... and to KNOW you both are going to be such wonderful parents ... I am smiling from ear to ear. These coming twelve days are going to go by fast ..

  2. This is exciting. Can't wait to hear the news on the fourth.

  3. So Happy for you both what a blessing��. Congratulations to two wonderful people I know you deserve the best��.
