Friday, December 21, 2018

Logan 10 Months

10 months 


This month has been huge for you developmentally.  You’re doing so many new things all the time and trying to catch up to big brother.  You caught your first cold this month that resulted in a runny nose and cough, but you handled it well and it passed fairly quickly.  

You celebrated your first Thanksgiving at our house with Papa Jeff, Nama Debbie and Papa Scott.  You enjoyed eating all of the yummy food and speaking of food, you’re pretty much eating everything we’re eating these days.  The only time you eat a purée is from a pouch.  You love feeding yourself and are very good at letting us know when you’ve had enough.  You will swat and push things away with your hands.

We went to Legoland in Carlsbad with cousins Jolie, Phill, Chloe, Lucas and Emma.  You had a little stranger anxiety in the beginning with your cousins, but warmed up after an hour.  You were able to go on some rides, but you mostly hung out in your stroller or in the Ergo.  Dad was able to get you to fall asleep for a little nap while wearing you, which helped with the long day.  After Legoland, we had pizza at a delicious pizza shop in Carlsbad but by the time dinner came, you and Emma were done and completely exhausted.  

This month you learned to push yourself into the siting position and just as you learned that, you started trying to crawl.  You started with an army crawl and within a week or two you were full on crawling. Now you’re crawling all over the house and love exploring everything.  We’ve set up the baby gate to try and contain you, but when you notice it’s open you make a break for it and go down the hallway.  You love to play with the carbon monoxide detector that’s plugged into the wall and shake the dogs gate to the office.  You also love going into the pantry/laundry room and playing with our shoes and getting into anything and everything.  You love untying shoe laces! You try to catch up to big brother and crawling under the kitchen table with him.  You two have so much fun together and I just know as you get older you’ll have so much fun together.  I think you’ll be the mischievous one and Caleb will be the one watching out for you and telling you that you shouldn’t do certain things.  You also started sitting up on your knees and I know before long you’ll be pulling yourself into standing and cruising along furniture.

You like to play with your expressions and fluctuations in your voice.  Man can you give some looks, boy.  You definitely get that from your momma, but you get your hot head from your dad.  You are still as feisty as ever and don’t like when we take something away from you that you shouldn’t have.  You get so upset!! You scratch the back of your head when you’re tired and frustrated 

You learned how to clap this month and shake your head no, although I don’t know if you really mean to tell us no.  You’ve become quite the flirt and love getting attention from strangers- especially in church! You will do everything you can to get a look at someone and wait for their reaction.  You love when people pay attention to you.
On December 7th you had laparoscopic surgery to find your left testicle that never descended.  It didn’t come up on the ultrasound, but your urologist said she needed to go in to confirm it wasn’t there or drop it or remove it if it was not viable.  We are so very blessed we had her as your urologist and her colleague did the surgery because they did find it in your abdomen.  However, it was not viable and has no blood vessels going down into your scrotum to save it.  It needed to be removed to reduce the risk of cancer later in life. You handled the surgery and pre-op well.  You couldn’t nurse for 6 hours prior to the surgery which ended up being closer to 7 1/2, but you weren’t phased by it. It was definitely harder on me to not be able to feed you.  The surgery lasted about an hour and you came out of anesthesia really fast and you were not happy! It took nearly 2 1/2 hours to get you to calm down enough to nurse and come to.  When you finally nursed it was such a relief and we were sent home.  You healed great and your incisions are so tiny! You are such a strong, brave boy and I’m so glad this is all behind us now.  

Logan, you are such a joy and have a huge personality.  You are the greatest addition to our family and complete us. I’m so looking forward to your first Christmas sweet boy.  I love you so much I could just eat you!! 


Friday, November 16, 2018

Logan 9 Months


It has been another busy month for you! You are changing and learning something new every day.  You cut your second tooth this month and are eating purées and little bites of food three times a day.  You love feeding yourself and have mastered the pincher grasp. We’re introducing new foods to you all the time and so far there isn’t a food you don’t like.  You also use a sippy cup more efficiently now, but still like to use it as a teether more than anything.

Your sleeping patterns are still rough and you’re consistently inconsistent with your sleep.  For the first week or so of this month you were constantly up at night anywhere from 5-6 times and just wanted to nurse and be held. When you’re tired and trying to fall asleep, you’ll hit your head with a hammer fist.  You love to sleep on your side and belly- when you do sleep! Twice this month you didn’t want to be nursed or rocked to sleep so I laid you down in your crib and you fell asleep all on your own within 10 minutes! You still nap twice a day and your morning nap is usually your longest one.  

You love being held and carried.  You’re babbling so much mores and are saying “dadadadada” and “bababababa” all the time.  Most of the time though, you scream and screech to communicate.  You and your brother go back and forth yelling at each other.  You’ve also started doing a scrunchy face and being more expressive.

You’re trying so hard to crawl and so far you’ve just scooted forward doing a modified army crawl.  You’ve gotten into the plank and crawling position but haven’t figured out how to move your arms and legs at the same time. You’ve tried to pull yourself up a few times too! 

We celebrated your first Halloween and you dressed up as a monkey.  We took your brother around the neighborhood to go trick or treating while you watched in the stroller.  If I haven’t mentioned it yet, you’re taking the majority of your baths in the big bathtub with your brother at night.  You love splashing and chewing on any toy that fits in your mouth.  You absolutely hate when we take things away from you and you’ll throw a fit.

Logan, you are my little firecracker and growing up way too fast.  You’re in the 50th percentile for weight (19.14 lbs) and height (28.5 inches).  You’re perfectly proportioned and doing amazing.  You’re flirting more and more each day with strangers and doing anything to get their attention.  You love when we’re out and about and watching things around you.  We can just see your little brain working and processing everything.  I love you so much Logan!


Friday, October 19, 2018

Logan 8 Months

8 months

My feisty, sassy boy! You have found your voice this month and you LOVE screaming and yelling.  You’re quick to let us know when we need to pay attention to you that’s for sure.  You said dada this month, but I’m not too sure you are intending on saying dada for your Dada.  You like playing with your tongue and all the cool sounds it can make- your favorite it clicking it. You also love to make raspberries and doing it right in our face.  

You’ve found more interest in food this month and are eating more solids.  Your favorite foods are sweet potatoes and butternut squash.  You’re starting to enjoy nursing more and hit my chest when you want to nurse.  You’re still pretty distracted when we’re anywhere other than home and it can be a challenge getting a full feeding in. 

At the beginning of the month, you slept for 7 solid hours at night.  But that was a one time deal and then you started fighting going down at night and nap time.  You didn’t want to nurse to sleep, so I would have to stand up with you and sing while rocking you to calm down and go to sleep.  Thankfully that has passed for the most part.  I haven’t been ready to sleep train you, but I think that time is near because I haven’t been getting much sleep at night.  On average you wake up at least 4 times at night and I long for the days when I would get a 3 hour stretch of sleep.  I don’t know how I’m surviving, but somehow I am. 

You started developing a little separation anxiety this month and went through a phase where you didn’t like us putting you down and/or walking away from you.  Your brother is a great distraction though and if he is around, all is right in the world.  You also waved this month for the first time and it’s so sweet.  You get your whole arm into it.  
You’re still not crawling but are rolling around like crazy.  You’re so hard to get dressed and a diaper change because you’re so squirmy.  You still don’t like getting dressed.  A day before you turned 8 months your first tooth cut through! The bottom left central incisor finally made its appearance and I really though it would’ve cut through long before now, but what do I know?

We went to The Great Wolf Lodge which is an indoor water park and hotel for one night as a belated birthday present for your brother.  We all had so much fun and you enjoyed sitting in the water watching all of the kids play.  You’re the happiest in the mornings and at bath time.  You’ve taken a bath in the big tub a few times with your brother, but the small tub is just easier most of the time- although you try to pull yourself out all the time. You love seeing water trickle down out of the washcloth as we hold it above your head.  

You are as ticklish as ever and tend to double over when being tickled while laughing.  You love being lifted into the air and going up and down too.  When you’re sleepy or over something, you’ll scratch the back of your neck and leave red marks.  

Logan, you are somethin else.  You’re feisty, sassy, squishy, lovable, want to be a part of everything and are so determined.  You are going to be our outspoken, testy and mischievous boy I just know it.  And if I’m wrong, that’s okay! As long as you sleep at night I’ll be happy : ) 

I love you cranky pants

Friday, September 21, 2018

Logan 7 Months


7 months have come and gone.  The months are flying by and before we know it we’ll be planning and celebrating your first birthday.  At 7 months, you’ve mastered rolling in every direction and we can’t leave you up on elevated surfaces and walk away any more.  You’re sitting up unassisted but haven’t figured out how to get into sitting up on your own yet.  You’re still not into food much despite having tried sweet potatoes, avocado, peas, carrots, butternut squash, applesauce, mango, pears and prunes and you’re trying to figure out a sippy cup.

You’re sleeping better at night this month, waking twice and occasionally you’ll only wake up once.  Your morning naps continue to be your best naps of the day since you don’t fight them, but your afternoon naps have been rough.  I think you’re starting to go longer periods in between naps and I’ve been trying to put you down too soon.  You’re still breastfed and nothing has changed with that as far as frequency, but you sure do get distracted when nursing now and sometimes it’s really hard for me to get you to finish nursing.  

You had your first trip to Arizona this month to visit Nama Desiree and Papa Jim. You got in the pool for the firs time and enjoyed relaxing in the water.  Overall, you did great on the trip but had a hard time sleeping at night- which was to be expected.  

This month you had your kidney check up as well as a follow up appointment with your urologist for your testicle.  Your initial lab work came back concerning, but we found out it was due to the awful blood draw and that was the reason your results were off.  When we had your labs done again, everything came back perfect and your kidney function is totally normal.  Your ultrasound was normal as well and your kidney continues to grow just as it should.  We’re in the process of switching to a different nephrologist because we don’t like the one you currently have.  Unfortunately your left testicle, if it’s there, has not descended and we’re awaiting a surgery appointment for your urologist to see if it’s there and take the necessary steps to bring it into the right position if you do have it.  Your urologist doesn’t think you do because your right testicle is a bit larger than normal and just like your one kidney, if you only have one testicle it will over compensate for the missing one and grow larger.  I’m not looking forward to you having surgery and it scares me to put you under, but it is what will be best for you in the long run.  

You’re much more into toys now that you can sit up and still love watching big brother act silly.  It certainly is not easy having two young boys, but I adore you and your brother and look forward to all of the fun adventures we will have as a family.  

Logan, you’re my little firecracker.  You’ve got spunk, sassiness, attitude, charm and the sweetest little face.  I adore the way you grab my face when you’re tired and open mouth kiss my cheek, the way you move your legs when I’m holding you on my hip and you get excited and how you’re always quick to let us know what’s on your mind.  Always speak your mind and don’t hold back, but please be respectful when doing so ; ) 

I love you,

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Logan 6 Months


My little sugar plum, how are you already 6 months old?! I feel like it was just yesterday we were rushing to the hospital in disbelief at how fast you were making your appearance into the world.  At your 6 month check up you weighed 17.3 pounds (50th percentile) and were 27.5 inches long (85th percentile).  You’re a solid baby and even though you’re in the 50th percentile for weight, you feel so much heavier.  Your check up went well and you handled your shots amazingly.  You have an ultrasound for your kidneys, appointment with your urologist and nephrologist coming up and I’ll include those details in your 7 month update.  

Your sweet personality is coming out more and more each day.  You are an easy baby, but also quite opinionated and if it’s possible at this age, stubborn.  You have the sweetest smile and are so expressive.  When you smile, your whole face lights up. You absolutely adore your big brother and still think he’s hilarious.  He’s pretty fond of you too and is always kissing you and telling you he loves you.  You’ve become much more “talkative” this month and love blowing raspberries.  You’re also quite ticklish on your feet and the sides of your belly. 

This month has been an exciting one. You’ve finally mastered rolling over from back to belly but are struggling to remember how to go from belly to back.  You start to fuss when you can’t figure it out and we have to roll you onto your back.  You went to the beach for the first time this month and got to put your feet in the sand and water.  You didn’t mind it at all.  You met your Great Uncle Pat who lives in Utah and we hope we get to see him again soon before you get too big.  

I had an overnight trip planned to Las Vegas to celebrate cousin Catherine’s 21st birthday this month and Nama Desiree planned to watch you for me while dad went to work.  Earlier in the week we made sure you would take a bottle of pumped breast milk and you did! No problem at all.  The day I left, I was quite anxious and really didn’t want to leave you.  You must have picked up on my anxiousness because you refused the bottle and didn’t eat for nearly 10 hours.  However, you seemed okay and only cried when Nama or dad offered you the bottle. I was a mess and decided to leave Las Vegas after being there for only 2 hours to come home and nurse you.  Your dad and I were concerned about your hydration and your kidney though, so your dad ended up leaving work early to come home.  He loaded you up in the truck and met me in Barstow so I could feed you sooner.  

The week after that, your sleep got really rough.  You were waking up 6-7 times at night and I was exhausted.  After a week or so of that, you started sleeping better and are only waking up about 3 times at night.  On average, you’re taking 2 naps a day but will take more if we’re in the car.  

You’re nursing about every 2 hours still and I could probably stretch out your feedings longer, but every time I offer to nurse you, you don’t turn it down.  You’ve become very interested in what we’re eating and drinking and if we have something in our hands, you’ll try to grab it.  The day you turned 6 months, you had you’re first solid food- sweet potatoes.  You liked them, but weren’t overly excited about eating.  You’re still trying to figure it out and that’s okay.  

You’ve started paying more attention to our dogs and cats this month and will try to grab the cats if they get close enough to you.  You have two birthmarks on your left thigh that I keep forgetting to mention in your monthly updates.  You love when I wash and rub lotion on your feet.  You’re not a fan of getting dressed and get impatient when it takes me longer to get you dressed.  You’ve become quite squirmy when I change your diaper now.

Logan, you are just the sweetest baby. I love the way you look up at me and the bond we have.  I’m so thankful you chose me to be your mommy.  You have blessed our family more than we could have ever imagined. I adore the heck out of you.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Logan 5 Months


You had an exciting 5th month! We went on our first camping trip as a family of four to Lake Siskiyou with our extended family.  Lake Siskiyou is about 10 hours from our house and we split the drive into two days.  For the most part, you did great on the drive.  You and I stayed pretty low key while your brother and dad got to do quite a bit! I didn’t mind though and you were such a sweetheart on the trip.  Soon enough, you’ll get to do all the things your brother is doing and it’s going to be so much fun watching you experience so many firsts!

When we got back from our trip, we had one more night of co-sleeping before transitioning you to your crib.  You transitioned so much easier than I anticipated.  I got sick to my stomach just thinking about how it would go and just like everything else I worry about, it went well.  You’re now officially napping and going to bed in your crib.  I enjoyed having you close to me while we slept, but I’m so enjoying having more time to myself and with your dad during the day and evenings.  

This month you started playing in the jumper activity center and you love it! You will entertain yourself for quite some time before getting over it.  You are so smiley lately and love watching your big brother.  He can get you laughing like no one else can and it’s amazing watching your relationship develop.  

You discovered your feet this month and your new favorite toy- your penis! As soon as you get in the bath, your hands grab it and you can get pretty rough with it sometimes.  We’re always telling you to be gentle and nice to it! 

You’re really starting to watch us eat and drink lately.  You will try to hit our drinks or grab our utensils if we’re holding you.  You even move your mouth like you’re trying to eat whatever we’re eating.  In just one short month, you’ll get to experience food little man! We’re still breastfeeding and you’re nursing every few hours still.  At night you’re waking anywhere from 3-4 times and each time you wake, I just nurse to back to sleep because it’s the easiest way to get you back down.  Luckily, it usually only takes 10 minutes to get you back down.  

You’re napping at least twice a day in your crib and very rarely we’ll get a third nap out of you.  You go down for the night around 8pm and are up for the day anywhere between 8am and 9am.  

Logan, these months have gone so fast.  I can hardly believe you’re already 5 months old.  Your smile lights up a room and your laugh is so adorable.  You love playing peek a boo and you’re starting to pay more attention to our dogs and cats.  You’re still drooling a lot, but there’s no signs of any teeth popping through yet.  

I love you,

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Logan 4 Months


My little Michelin man! You are starting to chunk up and get sweet baby rolls.  At your 4 month check up you weighed 15.9lbs and were 25 inches long.  You’re in the 50th percentile for height and weight, but your head is in the 90th! You handled your shots like a champ and only cried until I nursed you.  

You’re still drooling like crazy, but there’s no sign of any teeth coming through quite yet.  You love to suck on your hands and fingers too.  You rolled from belly to back this month!! For the most part, you enjoy tummy time and being on your play mat.  You grab your toys now and bring them to your mouth. You also started sitting up in your Bumbo and you enjoy the change of scenery.  You look like such a big boy when you’re sitting up. You enjoy being outside and looking up at the trees as well.  The swaying of the tree branches/leaves mesmerize you.  

You went on your first family vacation to San Diego while your dad was playing soccer in the Police & Fire Championships.  You did amazing... although it took a day or two for you to get used to your car seat.  You would cry at the top of your lungs to and from the soccer fields, about 30 mins, but eventually you got used to being in the car and started falling asleep in your car seat. 

We’re still breastfeeding and not much has changed with that.  You’re an efficient nurser and handle business.  You started playing “peek-a-boob” while nursing where you’ll nurse, pop off, smile at me and go back to nursing.  You’ll do that several times until you decide you’re just done.  We’re still co-sleeping and I’m still wearing you for most of your naps, but we’re hoping to get you in your crib this next month.  I have a feeling I’ll have some sleepless nights while you get adjusted to being on your own. But, it was bound to happen eventually! 

I love having a second son and simply adore you, Logan.  Our bond is something so incredibly special.  Your smile lights up a room and there’s nothing like looking down at you while you’re nursing and staring into each other’s eyes.  I cherish this time I have with you while I can still snuggle you, because all too soon I know you’ll be on the move busy exploring the world around you.  

I love you,

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Logan 3 Months


My sweet little meatball.... you are growing so fast and changing every day.  You’re in size 2 diapers now. You quickly outgrew 3 month clothing and can fit into most 6 month clothes.  By our at home measurements, you weigh 14.9lbs and are 24 inches long.  You still have brown hair and your eyes are a dark gray but sometimes we can see a hint of blue and green.  We’re excited to see what color they end up being. If I haven’t mentioned it before, you are a pretty gassy baby.  When you fart, it sounds like a grown man farting and the same goes for your burps! 

You’re trying to blow raspberries and have been drooling much more this month.  You’re still sucking on your hands a lot and are squirmier than ever.  You’re starting to arch your back every chance you get and I think it’s only a matter of time before you roll over from back to belly and vice versa.  You can easily roll onto your side, that’s for sure.  You’re getting so much better at tummy time and can lift your chest off the ground.  You don’t fuss as quickly when on your belly, but it’s still not your favorite.  You track objects and turn your head towards noises to see where it’s coming from.  You light up when you see a familiar face and love chatting with anyone who will listen.  You’re very vocal and are quick to let us know when you don’t like something.  

You don’t like being in one spot for too long and like to be held while moving. You’re starting to bear weight on your legs when given the opportunity and love to kick.  Your legs move non stop when you’re laying down on your play mat.  You love bath time and are the most active in the water.  You splash and move around so much, water pours out of the tub and it’s always quite the clean up after afterwards.  I watch how active you are in the tub and how quickly your legs move and it reminds me of when you were in my tummy.  You were one active baby in there and I think the bathtub reminds you of your time in my womb.  If my intuition is right, I think you’ll be crawling and walking sooner than your brother did.  If I’m wrong, that’s totally okay! There’s no rush to grow up and be on the move baby boy. 

You’re still exclusively breastfed and have taken a bottle of pumped milk a couple of times while I’ve gone to get my nails done or run errands.  After your morning nap, you nurse about every 2-3 hours still.  At night you nurse once or twice.  You’re a much different nurser than your brother was.  While he liked to be on the boob every chance he had and would happily stay attached to the boob as long as he could, when you are done- you’re done! If I attempt to see if you want to nurse more, you get a sour look on your face and absolutely refuse to nurse.  You act completely repulsed by it.  The only time you will stay on longer is if you’re sleepy.  

Speaking of sleep..... this last month you started breaking out of the sleep sack swaddle and couldn’t get comfortable.  I tried unswaddling you and you couldn’t settle that way either.  I never thought I’d be okay with co-sleeping and I definitely didn’t think your dad would ever be okay with it, but here we are with you sleeping in our bed.  And you know what? It’s okay.  You won’t be in our bed forever and your dad and I are trying to soak up your littleness for just a little bit longer.  We know how fast this first year is going to fly and soon enough you’ll be in your own space and we’ll miss this.  Right now, it just makes it easier and we’re all getting sleep.  You sleep great next to me and you only wake up to nurse once or twice at night and are quick to go back to sleep. I’m not complaining about that at all.... although I never knew how much space such a little person could take up! You sure do love to stretch out and somehow always manage to move me to the very edge of the bed.  

Nap time is a little challenging... most days you take a good morning nap in your swing and then if we try to get you to nap in your swing for subsequent naps, you almost always put up a fight and I end up wearing you. Some day you’ll be sleeping in your crib, on your own, and I don’t know when that some day will be. I love having you close to me in the Ergo carrier but sometimes I just want a break and wish you’d nap on your own.  Again, something that won’t last forever so I’m trying to embrace the time you’ll allow me to wear you for naps. 

Logan, you’re a feisty baby!  I think you’re going to be our wild child.  We can already see the difference in your personality from your brother’s and look forward to seeing how similar and different you guys are.  Your brother loves to lay next to you on your playmat and try to interact with you. You’ve given him some good smiles this month and I’m so looking forward to watching your relationship and friendship grow. We love you so much Logan and are still amazed how we’ve been blessed with two amazing boys. 

I love you,

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Logan 2 Months


This month you’ve been much more aware of things around you and spend more time awake.  You smile back at us, coo and make the most adorable squeals when you’re excited.  You kick your legs like crazy and move your arms around too.  You’ll hit or kick your toys on the play mat, but not deliberately quite yet.  You found your hands this month and in the middle of the night you get one arm free from your swaddle and suck on your hand when you’re ready to eat.  Speaking of eating, during the day you nurse about every 2 hours and at night you’ve been going for much longer stretches.  You go down at night between 8 and 9 and sleep until about 1, nurse then go back down until around 3:30 or 4 and then you’re up around 7.  You don’t stay up for long though.  You usually nurse, poop and play for an hour tops before you want to take a nap.  Your morning naps are the longest and you usually sleep until 10 or 11.  The rest of the day is hit and miss for naps.  Since I bought a Halo sleep sack swaddle for you a few weeks ago, you’ve been a much better sleeper at night and have been sleeping in your pack n play next to our bed.  I’ve been enjoying the longer stretches of sleep and pray they continue.  

You’re not much of a comfort nurser- when you’re done nursing, you’re done and want nothing to do with the boob....unless you’re going through a growth spurt or had a busy day and just want to be close to me.  I’m still your favorite person and when no one else can comfort or console you, I usually can.  You’ve got quite the attitude and when you don’t like something, you’re quick to let us know.  You love to be held over our shoulder while walking around or facing out while sitting on our lap. You still love to stare at ceiling fans and shadows and those make you really excited.  

We dedicated you at our church this month which means we will raise you to know Jesus Christ and keep him at the forefront of our lives as your grow and mature into a young man. We were very blessed to have most of our immediate family there with us to witness your dedication.  You also went to Knotts Berry Farm for the first time and you slept most of the time.  I wore you in the Ergo when we went on your first ride- The Calico Mine Train.  

Logan, you’re such a sweet boy and your smile lights up your entire face.  When I found out I was pregnant with you I wasn’t sure if I could love another child as much as I love your brother.  But, it’s amazing how my heart has grown and how much love I have for you.  You are a miracle and the perfect addition to our family.  I love you baby boy.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Logan 1 Month


I can hardly believe you’re already a month old.  It feels like I was just pregnant with you and feeling you kick around in my belly.  You’ve proven to be as vocal as you were active in my belly.  When you don’t like something or when you want to nurse, you have no problem letting us know and you usually go from 0 to 100 in a second.  You had a very busy first month of life with doctors appointments and it felt like that’s all we did for several weeks.  Between checking your bilirubin levels every other day the first week of your life, getting circumcised, having ultrasounds, meeting with your urologist and nephrologist and having your lip tie corrected, we’re finally on a break from appointments until you’re 2 months old. 

You sure love being held- mostly by your momma and I don’t blame you at all.  For the first month you slept on me at night because you didn’t like being put down and I didn’t mind one bit.  I enjoyed your snuggles and while I would have preferred to sleep laying down in bed, I know these nights won’t last forever.  Eventually you’ll be too big to fall asleep on my chest the way you do now and you’ll be sleeping in your own bed.  This last week, I’ve gotten better about putting you in the rock n play at night and some nights you do really well in it and other nights you still want to be held.  On the good nights, your first stretch of sleep is 3 hours and then you nurse and go back to sleep in your rock n play for 2 hour stretches the rest of the night.  On the not so good nights it’s a struggle of putting you down and picking you up until I give up because I’m so tired and just bring you in bed with me.  During the day you’re still pretty sleepy, but are starting to become more alert and awake for longer stretches.  We’ve figured out if you have a longer stretch of awake time in the evenings, you typically sleep better at night.  

You nurse every 2 to 3 hours and are becoming a more efficient nurser.  You’re not much of a comfort nurser at this point and when you’re done nursing you generally want nothing to do with the boob.  You’ve gained almost 3 pounds and grew an inch and a half your first month! You are a peeing and pooping machine.  One day you went through 5 diapers in a matter of minutes because you kept pooping every time I put a clean diaper on you! I couldn’t help but laugh.  I’ve been peed and pooped on several times already and I know it’s only the beginning.  

Logan, you are such a sweet baby and I could stare at you all day.  You have the cutest little features and I think you look just like your momma.  I know this next month you’ll start to be more alert and require more of our time.  I’m excited to watch you grow, develop your own personality and build a relationship with your brother who absolutely adores you. 

I love you,

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Logan’s Birth Story

After Caleb’s marathon labor and delivery, I knew I wanted a completely different labor and delivery with our second baby.  I wanted to do everything I could to prevent an induction, be hooked up to unnecessary IV’s and I wanted to be more in control of the process.  Virtually everything I had in my birth plan with Caleb went out the window the moment we got to the hospital and it definitely impacted me postpartum.  This time around, I wanted to be more educated on hospital procedures, my rights as a patient and how I could achieve a natural, unmedicated birth.  

Around 14 weeks pregnant, I decided to look into a doula.  Chris was apprehensive about hiring a doula, but mostly because he didn’t understand why they can play such a vital role in the labor and delivery process.  I threw out the idea of a home birth, but Chris was not having it so we compromised on hiring a doula to ensure we had the birth we wanted.  I also started looking into natural ways to prep for labor and watching a lot of labor and delivery vlogs on YouTube.  

The week I went into labor, I had a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions but they never progressed into anything more.  The same week, I started to lose my mucous plug but I didn’t want to get my hopes up that labor would be starting soon because I learned with Caleb that you can lose it weeks before you go into labor.  During my prenatal check ups I declined any cervical checks for similar reasons; I could be dilated to a 1 and go into labor that night or be dilated to a 3 and still be weeks away from labor.  Cervical checks really serve no purpose other than getting your hopes up or making you feel really bummed for no reason.  

The day I went into labor, we went about our day as normal.  We went to church and then stopped for breakfast before heading home.  When we got home I had my raspberry leaf tea, ate some pineapple and bounced on my yoga ball. When Caleb went down for a nap I decided to walk up and down our street to see if anything would happen.  I did not want to have a discussion with my OB at my next appointment regarding a medical induction, so I tried almost every natural induction technique that day.  

The whole morning, my body was quiet.  I didn’t experience many Braxton Hicks and Logan’s movements weren’t as strong, but I could definitely still feel him moving around.  Towards the end of my walk around 4:00, I had a contraction that felt different.  It started lower in my abdomen and went down into my pelvis; it didn’t hurt as much as it was just uncomfortable.  I wasn’t sure if it was a Braxton Hicks or something else, but I certainly didn’t think it was the start of what was to come.  I started getting these contractions about every 15 to 20 minutes.  

At 4:42, I had one that made me think I should start keeping track of them.  It was a little more uncomfortable but still, I didn’t think it was anything serious.  I continued to bounce and roll on my yoga ball to open my hips.  The contractions were coming about every 10 minutes at this point, but not lasting more than 30 seconds at most.  Around 5:15 I started doing the final prep for dinner and noticing I was having to concentrate on my breathing a little more.  Around 5:30, Chris suggested I send our doula a text just to give her a heads up because earlier in the day she let me know she would be about an hour away if I went into labor.  I reluctantly decided to text her, knowing the contractions weren’t lasting that long. She suggested I stop tracking them because they weren’t lasting a full minute and they could go on for days.  So, I stopped.  

We finished up dinner around 6:15 and decided to give my mom a call to let her know I was starting to have some contractions, but not to get her hopes up that I would be having Logan any time soon.  While I was on the phone with her, my contractions picked up.  I couldn’t talk through them and they were coming about every 3 minutes, but varying in intensity.  I would have one that lasted about a minute and then the next one would be shorter.  After Chris cleaned up dinner, he suggested I start to pack the last minute items for my hospital bag.  And still, I was reluctant to do so.  I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I could be in active labor.  

I was in the middle of packing my bag when the contractions started becoming consistent in intensity and I started moaning through them.  I always wondered how I would react to contractions since I had an epidural before I could experience true contractions with Caleb.  I was amazed at how instinctually my reaction was to sway my hips, brace myself on something and moan through them. I was pretty composed given the situation and mostly because I didn’t want to freak Caleb out. 

At 7:18, I went to check on Caleb.  In the midst of the contractions and Chris loading the Tahoe with our stuff, Caleb was off doing his own thing.  I walked down the hallway from our bedroom, got to Caleb’s doorway and saw him trying to put on a pair of pajama pants.  While in the middle of asking him how he was doing, I began having a contraction and as it peaked, I felt a large amount of warm water between my legs.  It wasn’t a gush but it sure wasn’t a trickle.  I yelled to Chris, “babe my water just broke!” and made my way to our bathroom where Caleb quickly followed me.  I sat on the toilet and more water came. Caleb kept asking, “your water broke? You ok momma? You cry?” I reassured him I was okay and not crying, but that baby Logan would be on his way soon.  

I knew after my water broke my contractions would start becoming even more intense.  I decided to get in the shower since it was evident we would for sure be going to the hospital, but even then I was hesitant that we should go to the hospital any time soon.  I knew my water could be broken, but still be in labor for hours.  I had my first contraction after my water broke in the shower and I remember thinking to myself, why am I trying to shave my legs through a contraction?! At that point did it really matter if I had a little stubble on my legs? Absolutely not.... but, you know I finished shaving.  When I got out of the shower the contractions were coming pretty close together, roughly 2 minutes apart and lasting a while.  

During this time, Chris was making phone calls to our doula and mom’s giving them updates.  We asked Chris’ mom to come over to watch Caleb for us since we decided we’d be going to the hospital as soon as possible.  Our doula started making her way to Loma Linda since she was an hour out.  She also called her back up doula to meet us at the hospital in the event she didn’t get there in time.  Shortly before 8:00, we left for the hospital.  From the walk from my kitchen to the garage and into the Tahoe, I had 2 very intense contractions that stopped me in my tracks.  And at the time I didn’t know it, but Chris grabbed a pair of latex gloves from his work bag because he honestly thought he might have to pull over and deliver Logan on the side of the freeway.  

We arrived at the hospital at 8:15 and on the way to the hospital my contractions were coming every minute to two minutes apart.  Chris asked me if I wanted a wheelchair or to walk in and still being hard headed, I told him I’d walk.  I literally stepped one foot out of the Tahoe, in the middle of a contraction and quickly changed my mind.  He ran to get a wheelchair and then asked what I wanted to take in right now.  Not thinking clearly, I told him our bag of snacks, my boppy and pillow.  I must have thought it’d still be a while before Logan would be born because we left our birth plan in my hospital bag and didn’t even remember it until we were up in Labor and Delivery. 

When we got to Labor and Delivery, my doula and her back up were there waiting for us.  Chris checked me in and despite me having contractions on top of each other, the staff was in no rush to get me into a room.  I stayed in the wheelchair in the lobby of Labor and Delivery for what seemed like forever having very intense contractions and feeling the need to push.  My doula helped me breathe through them, relax and regain my composure in between.  We finally got a room, I assume around 8:30, and the nurse asked me to give a urine sample.  I stood up from the wheelchair, had a contraction and told her that wouldn’t be happening.  

I got into the bed to be checked and hooked up to the monitors.  I was dilated between a 7/8 and told I couldn’t push yet, despite having the urge.  The nurse told me I would tear my cervix if I pushed too early and then it would become a medical emergency.  I continued breathing through them laying on my side because I literally couldn’t move in a different position before another contraction would come.  The contractions became so intense with the urge to push that I couldn’t hold back the need to push. My doula reassured me to do what my body was telling me to do because I could go from an 8 to 10 in a matter of minutes.  

With the next couple of contractions, I gave in to what my body was involuntarily doing and pushed.  The doctor was still getting set up and when she was ready, she made sure I was at a 10.  Within a matter of 4 minutes, Logan was born at exactly 9:00 pm.  His cord was wrapped around his ankles and when it was loosened, he was placed on my belly.  When the cord stopped pulsating, Chris cut it and Logan was brought up to my chest. Just like his brother, he didn’t come out crying.  It took him a minute to clear his lungs. He needed a little assistance with suctioning out his nose/mouth and he did receive a little bit of oxygen to get things going.  I delivered the placenta without pitocin, which is what I wanted.  It’s standard procedure for a lot of hospitals to administer pitocin through your hep lock to get your uterus to contract just in case you start to hemorrhage.  I declined it and told them I only wanted a shot of pitocin if it was needed.  The nurse responded with, “well, just so you know, most moms eventually need it because they hemorrhage” I told her thank you but I didn’t want something unless it was absolutely necessary.  And guess what, I didn’t need it.  Thanks, but no thanks. 

When Logan was born, his poor cheeks were bruised because he was birthed so fast.  A NICU doctor came in to check the coloring on his face, just to make sure it was only bruising.  The rest of his body was a normal shade of pink and the bruising on his face went away within a few hours. We did skin to skin for the first hour in the delivery room and Logan latched on to breastfeed within the first 40 minutes, which was amazing.  Our sweet boy weighed 8lbs 8oz and was 21 inches long. He beat his big brother by 4 ounces and a whole inch and was born at 39 weeks and 6 days.  

Following his delivery, the nurse was able to complete my registration process and give us our ID bands. Everything happened so quickly, there wasn’t time to do any of that beforehand.  I asked to see what the monitors looked like when they hooked them onto my belly and the sheet was maybe a foot long. I had about 5 contractions on top of each other and then they stopped because Logan was born.  

I am so extremely happy I was able to have the labor and birth I always wanted. I wanted an unmedicated labor and delivery. I wanted to experience what our bodies were made to do without being numb or medically altered.  I wanted to know I could do this; not to prove anything to anyone or boast about it but to prove to myself that I am strong, able and capable of experiencing such a raw, amazing moment.  Women’s bodies are remarkable.  

I never thought my labor would progress as quickly as it did.  Contractions are intense and painful, there is no doubt.  Never once did I think I couldn’t do this nor did the thought of getting an epidural cross my mind.  I was committed and besides, even if I was screaming for the epidural there wouldn’t have been time to administer one.  I delivered Logan in an unorthodox position and was grateful I was able to deliver in a position I felt most comfortable in; not what the textbooks tell the doctors which position is best for THEM to deliver a baby in.  

I am so grateful to have such an amazing, supportive husband who remained my voice of reason and encouraged me throughout my pregnancy and labor/delivery.  Even when he thought I was getting “a little hippyish” he supported me because he knew how important this process was to me.  He saw how Caleb’s labor and delivery affected me and understood why I wanted to have the birth I wanted.  I so wished we had a doula with Caleb and I would highly recommend one to any pregnant woman.  My doula was able to give me the support Chris didn’t know how to give.  She breathed through the contractions with me and reminded me to relax in between.  She reminded me how strong I was and how capable I was to do this.  In moments where she could see I was struggling, she encouraged me.  I know I would have struggled so much more through the contractions without her there.  

My recovery after Logan is night and day compared to Caleb’s.  I never got swollen and I have yet to take any pain medication because I honestly don’t need it.  I haven’t opened the tub of witch hazel pads the hospital gave me nor have I used any dermoplast. I tore with both deliveries, but this time it hasn’t been as painful.  I honestly feel amazing. Breastfeeding has been going great and I’m looking forward to sharing this special bond again with Logan. I know he’s going to be a chunk just like his brother.  

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

39 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 39 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: watermelon. 
Total weight gain: 32.9 lbs 
Stretch marks? The ones on my sides have gotten dark pink, but I know they’ll fade with time.  
Maternity clothes? All the time or leggings/workout pants. 
Sleep: Sleep is hit and miss; getting up 1-3 times to pee. 
Best moment this week: hitting full term! Logan can come any time now so I’m getting pretty anxious.
Miss anything? Nothing really this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not this week. 
Gender: BOY!! 
Labor signs: A lot of Braxton Hicks and sharp shooting pains in my cervix, I had a couple of lower back spasms this week, pelvic pressure and my pubic bone has felt bruised/sore from time to time.
Symptoms: Still having heartburn, peeing all the time, my joints are still swollen and I have very mild swelling in my feet, leg/foot cramps and my boobs ache on and off. 
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off: My actual wedding rings are off because my joints and knuckles are swollen, so now I’m wearing my Qalo (silicone) wedding ring.  
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and emotional at random times.
Looking forward to: the big day and meeting Logan.  

Logan is officially full term and we’re hoping he comes sooner rather than later.  I want to avoid a medical induction as much as possible.  The hospital feels comfortable letting women go to 41+5 before inducing.  I declined a cervical check at my appointment this week because I didn’t want to get my hopes up or be disappointed if nothing has changed with my cervix.  I’ve had more energy this week which has been nice and I’m hoping it’s a sign labor is near; but..... I’ve also felt pretty good too and that makes me feel like Logan is nice and comfy in there. Only time will tell when this little guy wants to join us.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

38 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 38 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: pumpkin. Somewhere between 19 and 22 inches long and I’m sure he’s over 7 lbs by now. 
Total weight gain: 31.8lbs 
Stretch marks? The ones on my sides have gotten dark pink, but I know they’ll fade with time.  
Maternity clothes? All the time or leggings/workout pants. 
Sleep: Sleep is hit and miss; getting up 1-3 times to pee. 
Best moment this week: spending some quality time with Caleb as a family of 3 before Logan arrives. 
Miss anything? my energy! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not this week. 
Gender: BOY!! 
Labor signs: Pretty much the same as last week; Braxton Hicks and sharp shooting pains in my cervix and down my leg. 
Symptoms: Still having heartburn, peeing all the time, my joints are still swollen and I have very mild swelling in my feet, leg/foot cramps and my boobs ache on and off. I’m getting exhausted and my motivation to do anything productive is fading! 
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off: My actual wedding rings are off because my joints and knuckles are swollen, so now I’m wearing my Qalo (silicone) wedding ring.  
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and emotional at random times.
Looking forward to: the big day and meeting Logan.  

Not much is new this week, my belly is getting bigger and I’m getting more uncomfortable.  We’re hoping Logan stays put this week while Chris is down in San Diego training at Camp Pendelton for 3 days.  I don’t think he’ll come until the middle of next week, but we’ll see! He’ll come when he’s ready.  


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

37 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 37 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: winter melon. Somewhere between 19 and 22 inches long and obviously over 6.3 lbs by now. 
Total weight gain: 28.5lbs
Stretch marks? The ones on my sides have gotten dark pink, but I know they’ll fade with time.  
Maternity clothes? All the time or leggings/workout pants. 
Sleep: Sleep is hit and miss; I’ve been having a hard time falling back asleep after getting up to go pee. 
Best moment this week: Getting things situated and organized for Logan’s arrival.  He can pretty much arrive any day now, but I really want him to stay put until at least 38 weeks.  The longer he’s in, the less likely we’ll need to stay in the hospital longer when he’s born.  
Miss anything? Solid sleep- which I know I won’t see again for quite some time! And still missing that beer or glass of wine.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not this week. 
Gender: BOY!! 
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks have picked up this week and I can tell Logan is sitting low because I’ll get sharp shooting pains in my cervix and down my leg; which is a good sign since that’ll help my cervix dilate and thing our. 
Symptoms:  Heartburn is back this week and hits me at the most random times; in the middle of the night or just after drinking water.  He’s still moving a ton, I’m peeing all the time, my joints are still swollen and I have very mild swelling in my feet which is NOTHING compared to the swelling I experienced with Caleb.  Leg/foot cramps are also happening daily and my boobs are starting to ache and be more sore on a consistent basis. Exhaustion hits me really quickly and I’ve tried to do my best and relax when I can.
Belly button in or out? It’s pretty much out all the time.  
Wedding rings on or off: My actual wedding rings are off because my joints and knuckles are swollen, so now I’m wearing my Qalo (silicone) wedding ring.  
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and emotional at random times.
Looking forward to: the big day and meeting Logan.  

I had an NST and OB appointment at exactly 37 weeks.  I had a few mild contractions during the NST that I didn’t even feel.  The nurse told me they would expect to see some uterine activity at this point in pregnancy and it’s a good sign.  My fluid still looks great.  My belly is measuring right at 37 weeks and my Group B Strep test came back negative which means I won’t need to be hooked up to IV antibiotics when I go into the hospital.  Thank God! We’re just playing the waiting game and hoping he stays put for a little longer!


Thursday, January 18, 2018

36 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 36 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a:  large cantaloupe.  At our ultrasound this week he weighed approximately 6lbs 3oz and his growth has slowed down a little, so he’s only measuring a week ahead instead of several weeks ahead.  
Total weight gain: That half a pound I lost last week came back with a vengeance this week putting my total weight gain at 27.7 lbs.  
Stretch marks? The ones on my sides have gotten dark pink, but I know they’ll fade with time.  
Maternity clothes? All the time or leggings/workout pants. 
Sleep: Sleep was a little better this week.  Getting up anywhere between 2-3 times at night.  
Best moment this week: Seeing Logan at our ultrasound, although we didn’t get any profile or 3D pictures because he’s getting pretty cramped in there.  He’s still doing great and there’s no concerns with his right kidney function or my amniotic fluid. 
Miss anything? Solid sleep- which I know I won’t see again for quite some time! And still missing that beer or glass of wine.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I got a little nauseous this week out of nowhere, but it went away after a few hours. 
Gender: BOY!! 
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks are happening daily, mostly in the evenings.  On Sunday I experienced some menstrual like cramps down low and a lower backache which apparently are a sign my body is getting ready for the big day. 
Symptoms:  Heartburn has subsided this week and I think Logan has dropped.  He’s still moving a ton, I’m peeing all the time, my joints are starting to swell/expand although I don’t have any hand/ankle/foot swelling and leg/foot cramps have gotten worse this week.  My boobs are getting sore too. 
Belly button in or out? It’s pretty much out all the time.  
Wedding rings on or off: My actual wedding rings are off because my joints and knuckles are swelling, so now I’m wearing my Qalo (silicone) wedding ring.  
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and emotional at random times.
Looking forward to: the big day and meeting Logan.  


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

35 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 35 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a:  Coconut, canary melon or honeydew melon which I think are all smaller than what my apps say Logan should be measuring; somewhere between 18 and 22 inches long and about 5.5 lbs, but I’m guessing he’s pushing the 7lb mark by now.  
Total weight gain: I’ve somehow managed to lose 1/2 a pound this week putting me at 24.5lbs gained so far. 
Stretch marks? The ones on my sides have gotten dark pink, but I know they’ll fade with time.  
Maternity clothes? All the time or leggings/workout pants. 
Sleep: Sleep is rough.  I’ve been waking up 3-4 times at night, with one of those times being to let our dog Nala outside to go pee since she likes to drink a gallon of water before bed.  I toss and turn a lot at night and don’t think I’ve had more than a few hours of solid sleep at a time.  
Best moment this week: I’m slowly starting to nest and getting things ready for Logan.  My plan this week is to get our hospital bags mostly packed and install the car seat base in the Tahoe for when we need to go to the hospital.  
Miss anything? Solid sleep- which I know I won’t see again for quite some time! And still missing that beer or glass of wine.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. 
Gender: BOY!! 
Labor signs: I’ve had a few intense Braxton Hicks this week.  
Symptoms:  Heartburn after dinner, but nothing Tums can’t take care of, peeing all the time, my body is definitely getting more tired mid day and I’m needing to rest for a few, not sleeping the greatest, occasional foot/leg cramps and I’ve had some sciatic pain this week. 
Belly button in or out? It’s pretty much out all the time.  
Wedding rings on or off: On, but getting more difficult to take off over my knuckles.  
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Seeing our little guy again on the 11th and meeting him! 

My NST’s have been going great so far.  Logan is as active as ever and has good heart accelerations and decelerations.  My blood pressure has been around 113/68.  My belly is measuring right on track for where I’m at in the pregnancy, we just have a big boy on our hands.  I’m getting anxious and excited about going into labor and as much as I can’t wait to meet Logan, I hope he stays put until at least 38 weeks.  I don’t think I’ll go past my due date, but if I do, I do and I’ll do anything to avoid a medical induction.  We have a pretty busy January so I’m sure time will go by fast and Logan will be here before we know it. 
