Sunday, February 7, 2016

7 Months


This month you have definitely found your voice. You love to growl and babble and can say "ahrababa" "ahmamama" and "bababa". You found out you can change the tone in your voice too and love to squeal! You're starting to respond to your name and can recognize me and your dad in the mirror. I'm not quite sure if you recognize yourself yet or not, but you love looking at pictures of yourself and watching yourself on videos I've recorded. You love seeing other babies too and interacting with them. 

For the first time since you've been born, you slept through the night at about 6 1/2 months old! It was a one time deal, but it was amazing and I'll gladly accept more sleep when you're ready.  You are waking up usually 2-3 times at night, but go right back to sleep when you're done nursing. You also started napping in your crib this month and we took the swing away. You did really great the first week in your crib and then you got an awful cold, so mommy enjoyed her snuggles during the day while you napped on me. We're slowly getting you back into your crib for naps, but you still love a good boob snooze. 

We're still breastfeeding and some days I want to make it to a year and some days I just want to be done with it. I have a love hate relationship with breastfeeding, but yours is all love baby boy. You love the boob and you're starting to hit my chest when you want it. I know I'll truly miss breastfeeding when it's over, it will be bitter sweet for sure. We've expanded your horizons a little in the food department this month and so far you've tried sweet potatoes, avocado, pears, butternut squash and applesauce. Sweet potatoes are by far your favorite and right now you don't care for butternut squash, but I'm hoping that with time you'll like it. 

You're starting to pull yourself up while holding onto our hands and love standing with a little help. This month you rode in the shopping cart and stroller like a big boy- no more car seat! You also moved to the big tub for baths now that you can sit up all by yourself. We hate seeing you grow up so fast, but know that it's inevitable and were enjoying every new stage and milestone. You're not mobile yet and that's perfectly okay with me! I thought we'd see a tooth by now, but nothing has popped through. We'll see what this next month has in store! 

Caleb, you light up my world and make me the happiest momma. Your personality is developing fast and you're looking more and more like your handsome daddy every day. You're such a happy, sociable baby and have yet to develop stranger danger.  I'm so proud of you and I'm enjoying this baby stage as long as I can.

I love you bubba,