Sunday, June 28, 2015

38 weeks

How far along? 38 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: A pumpkin, 19-22 inches long and almost 7 pounds.
Total weight gain: 33 pounds. 
Stretch marks? Along with the one between my belly button piercing, I finally got a few small ones on my  sides. 
Maternity clothes? Everyday! Maternity pants/shorts, maxi skirts and dresses. 
Sleep: Its been rough this week. I wake up several times at night and I'm starting to have a hard time getting comfortable. The weight of my belly is starting to take its toll and putting a lot of pressure on my ribs. Thank God I've been able to take naps during the day. 
Best moment this week: Getting Caleb's nursery completely organized and everything washed and put away. The only thing missing is him!
Miss anything? Nothing other than the usual.... 
Food cravings: Nada. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks.... They come all the time and can be pretty uncomfortable. 
Symptoms: Still peeing all the time, the joints in my hands and feet have been sore/swollen the last few weeks, occasional swelling in my feet/ankles and braxton hicks. 
Belly button in or out?  It's slowly making itself an outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off: Off. I wear them on a necklace around my neck
Happy or moody most of the time:  Im equally happy and moody. Still a sassafras.
Looking forward to: Meeting our little guy! 


Monday, June 22, 2015

37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: A winter melon, 19-22 inches long and about 6.5 pounds.
Total weight gain: 30 pounds. 
Stretch marks? Along with the one between my belly button piercing, I finally got a few small ones on my  sides. 
Maternity clothes? Everyday! Maternity pants/shorts, maxi skirts and dresses. 
Sleep: Still the same. I think I'm sleeping pretty decent considering how far along I am. 
Best moment this week: My last day of work! 
Miss anything? My ankles and skinny feet : (
Food cravings: No food cravings, but iced tea has been delicious this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: I had my first legitimate Braxton Hicks contraction this week and today I started losing my plug, which I'm not too concerned about because I know you can lose it several weeks before labor starts. 
Symptoms: The same that was happening last week. Peeing all the time, my ankle and foot swelling is still awful, I'm still getting those sharp pains in my inner thighs and now in my hooha and my breast are getting tender and sore. 
Belly button in or out?  It's slowly making itself an outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off: Off. I wear them on a necklace around my neck
Happy or moody most of the time:  Im equally happy and moody. Still a sassafras.
Looking forward to: Relaxing before our little man arrives, organizing and cleaning.......

My appetite is coming back and I can actually eat a full meal. Little man has definitely dropped and is putting pressure on my pelvis which is causing the pains in my thighs and hooha. I don't feel like he will arrive any time soon though. While I have moments where I'm in pain or uncomfortable, I'm still not at the point where I'm over being pregnant. I've loved being pregnant thus far and I know I'll miss it once Caleb is born. 


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: Large cantaloupe. 19-22 inches long and about 6 pounds.
Total weight gain: 29 pounds. 
Stretch marks? I have developed one tiny stretch mark in between the two holes where my belly button piercing was. The skin is super thin there, so it's not surprising and if that's the only one I get I'll graciously accept it! Other than that, I'm still drinking a ton of water and layering up with my Lush massage bar and lotions to try and prevent any more from developing.
Maternity clothes? Everyday! Maternity pants/shorts, maxi skirts and dresses. 
Sleep: Sleep would be amazing if I wasn't getting up 3-4 times a night to pee. I go back to sleep pretty quickly, so I can't complain too much. 
Best moment this week: My brother in law got married on Saturday and it was a beautiful wedding. Little man stayed put and I'm so thankful he didn't make an early arrival! 
Miss anything? My ankles and skinny feet : (
Food cravings: None this week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! 
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: Not that I'm aware of. 
Symptoms: The same that was happening last week. Peeing all the time, my ankle and foot swelling has increased this week and it's disgusting, I'm still getting those sharp pains in my inner thighs that seem to be radiating to my hooha now. And I'm pretty sure little man has dropped. He's feeling pretty low. 
Belly button in or out?  It's slowly making itself an outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off: They are officially off as of last Thursday. It hurt so bad to get them on and then they were so uncomfortable I had to get them off.  They're now on a necklace around my neck
Happy or moody most of the time:  Im equally happy and moody. Still a sassafras.
Looking forward to: My last day of work. I. Can't. Wait. 

I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable and I know it's due to the swelling. I can't stand that my ankles have now turned into cankles and I have little sausages for toes.  I know I'll be the talk of the nail salon when I go get my pedicure and it's probably best I'll have no idea when they're making fun of my feet : / 

Caleb is officially head down and in position for the big day. We had a prenatal appointment this morning and everything looks good. Despite my swelling, my blood pressure is still great and there's no sign of preeclampsia. I just have to deal with the swelling. We're on weekly appointments now and if I go into labor at this point I wouldn't be given anything to stop contractions. I want little man to stay put for at least another week, but wouldn't mind if he made an appearance around 38 or 39 weeks ; ) 


Sunday, June 7, 2015

35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: Coconut. 19 inches long and about 5 1/2 pounds.
Total weight gain: 27 pounds? 
Stretch marks? I have developed one tiny stretch mark in between the two holes where my belly button piercing was. The skin is super thin there, so it's not surprising and if that's the only one I get I'll graciously accept it! Other than that, I'm still drinking a ton of water and layering up with my Lush massage bar and lotions to try and prevent any more from developing.
Maternity clothes? Everyday! Maternity pants/shorts, maxi skirts and dresses. 
Sleep: Sleep would be amazing if I wasn't getting up 3-4 times a night to pee. I go back to sleep pretty quickly, so I can't complain too much. 
Best moment this week: I can't think of anything specific this week that really stood out, but I definitely think my stress level is going down with my work load winding down. It feels so good to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to have some relief in my last few weeks.
Miss anything? Nothing new.
Food cravings: Ice cold apple juice hit the spot this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! 
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: I still have episodes of cramping every day, but I think I have yet to experience a legit Braxton Hicks contraction.  My doctor said the cramping is completely normal and to continue to drink a lot of water. 
Symptoms: My bladder seems to be the size of a walnut now and I am constantly going to the bathroom. Caleb likes to press right on my bladder and make me feel like I'm going to pee myself! The ankle and foot swelling has increased this week, but hasn't been totally awful. I've also developed sharp pains in my inner thighs which seems to come when Caleb moves certain ways. The pains stop me in my tracks and last a few seconds.
Belly button in or out?  It's slowly making itself an outtie. It's a bit shy. 
Wedding rings on or off: On during the day, but at night I take my ring off because I layer up with lotions/oils at night and in the mornings. Aaaaand it's a little more difficult to take it off first thing in the morning to lotion up. 
Happy or moody most of the time:  Im equally happy and moody. Still a sassafras.
Looking forward to: My last day of work and my brother in law's wedding on the 13th! 


Monday, June 1, 2015

34 weeks!

How far along? 34 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: Cantaloupe. 19 inches long and about 5 pounds. He'll start gaining half a pound a week from here on out. 
Total weight gain: 27 pounds. 
Stretch marks? Drinking a ton of water and layering up with my Lush massage bar and lotions to try and prevent them as long as possible.
Maternity clothes? Everyday! Maternity pants/shorts, maxi skirts and dresses. 
Sleep: I've pretty much said good bye to restful sleep. Between tossing and turning and getting up to go pee throughout the night, I'm just plain exhausted during the day. 
Best moment this week: We finished our four week series birth class on Tuesday. Even though there were some questionable couples in the class, I thought it was well worth our time and money. We both learned a lot and feel more prepared for when I go into labor and what to expect. 
Miss anything? Nothing new.
Food cravings: None this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! 
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: I'm not sure if I'm experiencing Braxton Hicks or not, but I have had some mild cramping that feels like the start of your period. They seem to come mostly at night and don't cause much pain. I'll make sure to ask my doctor about them next Wednesday at my next appointment. 
Symptoms: Peeing nonstop, my ankle swelling hasn't been bad this week and my acid reflux has been almost non existent this week! I still haven't had much of an appetite and nothing in particular sounds good to eat. I get full so easy and really haven't been that hungry lately. I've been pretty uncomfortable this week with a lot of pressure in my belly and I can't seem to get comfortable. I'm ready for little guy to move down out of my ribs ; ) 
Belly button in or out?  It's still in the weird stage where it's pretty much flush with my belly. Not an innie, but not an outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off: On. 
Happy or moody most of the time:  Im equally happy and moody. Still a sassafras.
Looking forward to: My last day of work- June 19th! I am so counting down the days and looking forward to not working! 

I'm pretty sure Caleb is head down at this point. I can distinguish when he has the hiccups and I can feel them down low in my pelvis. He's developing patterns of being awake and moving like crazy and sleeping. Although my pregnancy apps say he's supposedly sleeping 90% of the time, I think he's sleeping closer to 20% of the time and awake 80% of the time. I hope I'm wrong and he sleeps like a champ when he's here!! 
