Monday, July 17, 2017

10 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 10 weeks, double digits!
Baby is the size of a: strawberry or date, almost and inch and a half long.
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself, mostly because of all of this bloat 😑 
Stretch marks? No. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants/shorts sound amazing, but they still don't fit well.  My regular jeans are uncomfortable to wear though and if I do wear them, they have to remain unbuttoned. 
Sleep: Still waking up once or twice a night to go pee, but I have had the occasional night where I'm up 3-4 times to go pee.
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat on my fetal doppler! I thought I heard it at 9 weeks 4 days, but the doppler wasn't registering it and it was very faint.  But I definitely heard it this morning at 10 weeks and it got up to the high 160s.  It made me feel so much better and reassured me that everything is ok.
Miss anything? My energy.  
Food cravings: Nothing crazy.... things have sounded good to eat but I wouldn't say I NEED it right now. I just need food in general and feel like I'm constantly eating. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but I have felt a little nauseous a few times. 
Gender: I'm convinced baby is a girl. 
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: Still bloated the moment I eat something, my boobs ache on and off, my nipples are very sensitive, my acne seems to be clearing up, I had my first migraine since getting pregnant yesterday and it hit me out of nowhere, I don't seem to be as hungry but still need to eat frequently.  And constipated like no other.... give me all the prunes!
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Still gonna go with moody!
Looking forward to: every milestone we reach 💙 

I made it back to group training twice this week and felt pretty good afterwards.  It's really hard to not push myself and take it easy, but I think I'm doing pretty good about modifying exercises when needed and taking breaks.  I'm planning to go at least twice a week and hopefully a few more times during the week as I can and as long as I feel good.  


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

9 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 9 weeks
Baby is the size of a: medium green olive, about an inch long.
Total weight gain: at my doctor's appt Friday, I was only up about a pound and a half. 
Stretch marks? No. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants/shorts sound amazing, but they still don't fit well.  My regular jeans are uncomfortable to wear though and if I do wear them, they have to remain unbuttoned. 
Sleep: Still waking up once or twice a night to go pee, having a difficult time falling back asleep after the second time. 
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby at my first OB appt and telling everyone at Caleb's 2nd birthday party! 
Miss anything? My appetite 
Food cravings: Nothing crazy.... things have sounded good to eat but I wouldn't say I NEED it right now. I just need food in general and feel like I'm constantly eating. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but I have felt a little nauseous a few times. I'll eat something and then the minute I'm done eating it, the thought of eating more of it makes me feel nauseous. 
Gender: I'm convinced baby is a girl. 
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: Still bloated the moment I eat something, my boobs ache on and off, my nipples are very sensitive, breaking out in random places like my neck, hungry but still no appetite, lower backache but I think that's contributed more to not going pee right when I have the urge. I tend to hold it till the very last minute and I think that's causing my kidneys to give me a lower backache. 
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Still gonna go with moody!
Looking forward to: Hearing the baby's heartbeat on our home doppler. 

We got to see our baby again on July 7th! Baby looked great and was measuring a day ahead at 8 weeks 5 days with a heartbeat of 185bpm.  My due date is still February 12, 2018 and my next appointment is on August 4th. 

The day of Caleb's birthday party, we had Caleb wear his 'Co-Pilot coming soon' shirt to see when people would notice.  I also had pictures from his 2nd birthday photo shoot on the tables that he was wearing the same shirt in.  The first person to notice was Chris' cousin Anna when she saw the picture.  I think once one person saw the pictures/Caleb wearing the shirt the word spread and soon everyone knew we were expecting baby #2. It also confirmed some of Chris' side of the family's suspicion that we were expecting because apparently he wrote in his cousins guest book "Love, Chris, Alissha, Caleb and Baby Benson #2" I should have proof read what he wrote, but didn't even think twice about it.  

Needless to say, everyone is excited and happy for us and we're happy everyone knows and it's not a secret any more! We're still praying for a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy. Each milestone we reach seems like a small victory and the closer we get to reaching the end of the 1st trimester makes me feel a little more at ease. 


8 Week Bumpdate

*Originally written on July 3, 2017*

How far along? 8 weeks
Baby is the size of a: raspberry.
Total weight gain: about 3lbs 
Stretch marks? No. 
Maternity clothes? I put on a pair of maternity shorts this week, but felt a little silly wearing them so I changed. 
Sleep: Still waking up once or twice a night to go pee, having a difficult time falling back asleep after the second time. 
Best moment this week: Chris' cousin Jeff got married this weekend and Chris wanted to tell some family so bad, but I had to keep him in check. It wasn't our weekend and I'd never share news like that on someone else's special day. 
Miss anything? Not feeling bloated all the dang time. 
Food cravings: Nothing crazy.... things have sounded good to eat but I wouldn't say I NEED it right now. I just need food in general and feel like I'm constantly eating. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, but I have felt a little nauseous a few times. Nothing to where I feel like I'm going to throw up though.  
Gender: Id love another boy, but I'm starting to think our little peanut is a girl. 
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: Crazy dreams have seemed to slow down a little bit, still bloated, my boobs aren't aching as much as they were, but my nipples 😳....., Ive been so tired that I need to take a nap. It's so bad that I feel exhausted after getting ready in the mornings and would go back to sleep if I could.  I've had a few more dizzy spells this week, HUNGRY- it hits me out of nowhere and I need to eat RIGHT NOW. Light spotting. Constipated 👎🏼. And a few zits have popped up.
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Still gonna go with moody!
Looking forward to: My first OB appt on July 7th! 

I went back to the gym this week and did one session of group training. I felt ok during the session, maybe a bit more winded and I definitely didn't push myself like I usually do, but afterwards my groin area started hurting and aching so that worried me.  I think I'm going to hold off on anything high intensity until after the 1st trimester....

I started spotting a little on Saturday, but it wasn't much.  If I wasn't paying attention, I'd probably never notice.  However, it was kind of worrisome. No pregnant woman wants to see spotting.   I remember spotting with Caleb around this same time, but when I had it with him it was bright red and definitely noticeable.  It was nothing like that.  I was able to take a nap and get some rest and by the next day it was gone.  I've been feeling a little achy in my lower abdomen and I don't know if that's things growing/stretching or if I just need to poop. Pregnancy constipation is real folks. 

I'll feel more relieved when we see the baby again on Friday and feel confident telling everyone on Saturday at Caleb's party. I'm looking forward to telling the world we're expecting and that we're expecting without any assistance from our fertility doctor, that we beat the odds and miracles can happen.  Part of me still feels like it's too good to be true and I'm waiting for reality to hit me, but I know this is reality and this baby was chosen to be here for a reason.  I'm trying to find joy amongst my anxiety and being apprehensive to get too excited. That's what years of infertility does to you and it's hard to get out of a certain mindset. 


7 Week Bumpdate

*Originally written on June 26, 2017*

How far along? 7 weeks
Baby is the size of a: blueberry.
Total weight gain: I think a couple of pounds, I feel like I'm always eating. 
Stretch marks? No. 
Maternity clothes? No, but I see them in my near future. 
Sleep: Sleep is about the same as last week. I'm waking up multiple times to go pee or the dogs wake me up to go outside and then I realize I have to pee 😑
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby on the ultrasound! 
Miss anything? The gym. Hoping to be back at it this coming week. 
Food cravings: Nothing yet, appetite is still off a bit but I have noticed I'm eating healthier things than I did when I was pregnant with Caleb. When I was pregnant with Caleb, I wanted anything that was a carb and spicy/sour foods. I'm eating a lot of fruit and veggies this go around and not too much carbs. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope, but I have started feeling off in the mornings and have to eat breakfast right away whereas I could usually wait to eat breakfast with Caleb at 9:30. 
Gender: Too early to know, but I'd love another boy.
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: Crazy dreams, still bloated, boobs ache on and off, fatigue at random times throughout the day, I'm exhausted about every other day, had one intense dizzy spell this week, random lower backache (mostly if I'm picking Caleb up a lot or getting him in and out of the car seat).  HUNGRY, I could eat a meal and then two hours later I'm hungry again and I have to eat every couple of hours or I start to feel like my blood sugar is low.
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moooooody!
Looking forward to: Telling my brother in law and his wife this week and then my first OB appt on July 7th! 

We had our very first ultrasound on June 22nd at our fertility clinic. I was so insanely nervous the week leading up to our appointment and still taking pregnancy tests every other day.  I ordered a pack of cheap Wondfo's from Amazon back in February, so I figured when those were all gone I'd stop.  I SHOULD have stopped testing the moment I got a strong positive because every time I would take a test, I'd critique it and think the line was getting lighter. I was driving myself crazy and causing unnecessary stress on myself.  I took my last test on June 20th and felt so relieved they were all gone. 

Our ultrasound revealed we have one healthy baby that was measuring two days ahead, 6 weeks 5 days, with a heartbeat of 122 beats per minute.  Our fertility doctor said the baby looked great and was positioned high in my uterus.  The yolk sac looked good and so did my uterus.  It was amazing seeing the baby and it was such a huge relief.  All week I was preparing myself for the worst because it's honestly so hard to believe still.  Going through infertility and then getting pregnant on our own was/is such a miracle that it felt too good to be true.  But, this baby was meant to be here and we are so very grateful we have been blessed with this amazing baby.  

My first OB appointment is scheduled for July 7th (Caleb's birthday) and I'll be 8 weeks 4 days according to my last period. We're hoping for another ultrasound to reassure us (ME) so we can confidently share the news with everyone at Caleb's 2nd birthday party on the 8th. We're so excited to tell everyone we're expecting a baby!


6 Week Bumpdate

*Originally written on June 19, 2017*

How far along? 6 weeks
Baby is the size of a: grain of rice.
Total weight gain: Didn't weigh myself this week. 
Stretch marks? No. 
Maternity clothes? No, but I think my tighter fitting tank tops are going to be on hiatus until I have a legit bump and not just bloat. 
Sleep: Sleep has been a little rough this week.  Either I can't fall asleep or I'm waking up multiple times to go pee or the dogs wake me up to go outside and then I realize I have to pee 😑
Best moment this week: Telling our parents and my sister we're pregnant!
Miss anything? The gym. I'm terrified of doing group training right now until we see the baby and it's heartbeat, but I miss it so much and know it'll lift my moods once I go back. 
Food cravings: Nothing yet, appetite is still off a bit. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope, but I have started feeling off in the mornings and have to eat breakfast right away whereas I could usually wait to eat breakfast with Caleb at 9:30. 
Gender: Too early to know, but I'd love another boy.
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: Some of the same from week 5. Crazy dreams have started and they are intense, violent dreams or sexual (which apparently is pretty common when you're pregnant).  Still bloated, boobs ache on and off.  A little bit of food aversion has started this week; I used to look forward to my morning cup of coffee and now it doesn't even sound good to me. Last night at dinner I had chicken with my meal and just looking at it made me want to gag. 
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moooooody!
Looking forward to: Our first ultrasound on June 22nd. 

5 Week Bumpdate

*Originally written on June 12, 2017*

I can't believe I'm doing bumpdates again. The last week and a half has been very surreal and it's still hard to believe we're pregnant. 

How far along? 5 weeks
Baby is the size of an: Appleseed.
Total weight gain: I weighed myself the first day I got a positive and since then, I've lost a couple of pounds. 
Stretch marks? No. 
Maternity clothes? No, but this first trimester bloat is no joke and maternity clothes sound really nice! 
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good, which should have been one of my biggest clues that I was pregnant. I sleep very soundly in the beginning. I get up maybe once to go pee, but I'm dead to the world when I fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Getting our second pregnancy blood test back and seeing the numbers increase. 
Miss anything? An ice cold Mexican beer. If I had any idea/clue I'd get pregnant on my own, I would've indulged on Memorial Day! 
Food cravings: Nothing yet. Nothing sounds good to eat. I'm forcing myself to eat just because I know I need to and I'm making it a point to eat healthier, fresh foods. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. I don't think that'll kick in for another week (hopefully later or never!) 
Gender: I'd really love another boy, but I'll be happy with whatever we're blessed with because they were obviously meant to be in this world!
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: I was really thirsty during week 4, but that has seemed to subside. This week my boobs have been aching on and off, achy/crampy lower abdomen.  Quick, sharp pains in my lower abdomen that go away as fast as the came, but man they catch me off guard every time.  Some heartburn, which I wasn't expecting until later on in pregnancy and lower backache that seems to come and go, no appetite, fatigue has hit me hard. I have no energy to do anything. And man have I been moody! Like PMS times 10. I don't remember being this moody/hormonal with Caleb but Chris said he does! 
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Mooooooody!
Looking forward to: Our first ultrasound on June 22nd. 

It has been so hard to keep this pregnancy a secret. We want to tell EVERYONE, but are also very cautious because it's so early and we want to hear the heartbeat before we share the news. My OB GYN's office can't get me in until some time in July and that's just unacceptable to me.  When I found out I was pregnant, I contacted our fertility clinic to let them know because this is all so new to us and completely unexpected. Our IVF nurse asked me to get labs done for my HcG, estrogen and progesterone. HcG is the pregnancy hormone that confirms pregnancy.  My OB's office wouldn't order the labs, so I contacted our family doctor who I absolutely adore and she was more than willing to order the labs for me.  

I had my first labs done on June 6th (16dpo) and my HcG came back at 441!  My first HcG test with Caleb at 15dpo was 229.  My estrogen was on the lower end, 64, and my progesterone was great, 20.34. My fertility doctor called in a prescription for Estradiol to help boost my estrogen and Prometrium as a precaution for my progesterone because it won't hurt.  My estrogen was on the lower end with Caleb too, so I'm trying not to worry about it.  My second HcG test at 22dpo came back at 4,421 and it doubled about every 43 hours- they want to see it double at least every 48 hours so that's good! My progesterone was 31.85 and estrogen was 150.

We went ahead and scheduled an ultrasound with our fertility doctor for June 22nd, I will be 6 weeks 3 days and a heartbeat should definitely be seen/heard.  We have to pay out of pocket for that, but it is nothing compared to the 20k we were going to spend for our next IVF cycle.  And it will give us peace of mind that everything is ok.  

We are so excited to tell our families and share our amazing news with everyone.  I've been taking daily pregnancy tests because it still doesn't feel real and seeing those lines is the only confirmation that I'm pregnant. I'm praying daily that this baby sticks around and we get to meet him or her in February.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

We're expecting!

*Originally written on June 1, 2017

We are pregnant and expecting our second baby..... naturally! What the what?! You can guess how surprised and shocked we were. Completely unexpected? Most definitely. I have always said if we got pregnant naturally it'd be an act of God and I have no doubt our endless prayers and faith helped make this possible. So here's the story.....

Around February, Chris and I started taking some new supplements to see if it could help our chances of producing more viable sperm, eggs and ultimately better quality embryos when we decided to do our next IVF cycle.... and we figured they couldn't hurt our chances of conceiving on our own too.  I started tracking my ovulation again around the same time just to see when I ovulated to help our chances. Each month I knew I wasn't pregnant and sure enough, I wasn't. 

In May, Chris and I started talking about doing a fresh IVF cycle and figuring out our finances to make it possible.  We were getting excited about starting the process again and getting pregnant.  I got a positive ovulation test on May 21st and May 22nd. We handled business as usual and I prayed on it so hard. I told God whatever his plans were for our next baby, I would welcome them with open arms and that we were ready. On May 23rd I got an awful stomach bug or food poisoning and found myself stuck in bed all day or in the bathroom. I was miserable and for the next 2 days I barely ate or drank anything because the thought of food made me nauseous.  I thought for sure our already slim chances of conceiving were out the window. 

On May 29th, I sent an e-mail to our IVF nurse letting her know we were ready to move forward with a fresh IVF cycle and that I would start my period on or around June 6th. 

Then on May 30th I started feeling things.... twinges, cramps, and that familiar feeling I had when we got pregnant with Caleb via IVF.  I was out running errands all day with Caleb and on the go. When we got home in the afternoon, I Googled when implantation was likely to occur because I genuinely had no idea when it happens if you conceive naturally.  9 days past ovulation was what I found.  I was 9 days past THAT day.  I decided to take a pregnancy test because why not? After a few minutes I didn't see anything, then after 10 minutes I saw thee faintest line. So faint that you had to squint to see it and hold it in the brightest light. I thought for sure it was an evaporation line or my eyes were playing tricks on me and threw the test away.  

That night, Chris and I talked about how awesome and amazing it would be if we got pregnant on our own.  He didn't know I took a test, but I told him what I was feeling and we started dreaming and hoping. The following morning, May 31st, I took a test.  Without a doubt, a line showed up. It was faint, but I was only 10 days past ovulation and not supposed to start my period for another 5 days. Chris wasn't home- he had to get some lab work done that morning and I decided to tell him when he got home. I was in shock. I cried. I knew something was going on with my body, but how could this be possible? 

When Chris got home, I showed him the test. After telling him what he was looking at, he was in disbelief. He asked if it was for real and how accurate the test was.  That night, I took another test. I wasn't expecting it to be much darker, but it was! It was much more noticeable and stronger.  

I'm praying so hard this baby sticks and we get to meet him or her in February.  It feels right. Everything feels good and like it did when I got pregnant with Caleb.  I feel so positive about this pregnancy and am in awe we were FINALLY able to get pregnant on our own.  After 6 1/2 years. No medical assistance, no medications, no needles, no blood draws, no ultrasounds to monitor my ovaries/uterine lining to time everything just right.  Our bodies finally figured it out and this baby is nothing short of a miracle.