Thursday, May 17, 2018

Logan 3 Months


My sweet little meatball.... you are growing so fast and changing every day.  You’re in size 2 diapers now. You quickly outgrew 3 month clothing and can fit into most 6 month clothes.  By our at home measurements, you weigh 14.9lbs and are 24 inches long.  You still have brown hair and your eyes are a dark gray but sometimes we can see a hint of blue and green.  We’re excited to see what color they end up being. If I haven’t mentioned it before, you are a pretty gassy baby.  When you fart, it sounds like a grown man farting and the same goes for your burps! 

You’re trying to blow raspberries and have been drooling much more this month.  You’re still sucking on your hands a lot and are squirmier than ever.  You’re starting to arch your back every chance you get and I think it’s only a matter of time before you roll over from back to belly and vice versa.  You can easily roll onto your side, that’s for sure.  You’re getting so much better at tummy time and can lift your chest off the ground.  You don’t fuss as quickly when on your belly, but it’s still not your favorite.  You track objects and turn your head towards noises to see where it’s coming from.  You light up when you see a familiar face and love chatting with anyone who will listen.  You’re very vocal and are quick to let us know when you don’t like something.  

You don’t like being in one spot for too long and like to be held while moving. You’re starting to bear weight on your legs when given the opportunity and love to kick.  Your legs move non stop when you’re laying down on your play mat.  You love bath time and are the most active in the water.  You splash and move around so much, water pours out of the tub and it’s always quite the clean up after afterwards.  I watch how active you are in the tub and how quickly your legs move and it reminds me of when you were in my tummy.  You were one active baby in there and I think the bathtub reminds you of your time in my womb.  If my intuition is right, I think you’ll be crawling and walking sooner than your brother did.  If I’m wrong, that’s totally okay! There’s no rush to grow up and be on the move baby boy. 

You’re still exclusively breastfed and have taken a bottle of pumped milk a couple of times while I’ve gone to get my nails done or run errands.  After your morning nap, you nurse about every 2-3 hours still.  At night you nurse once or twice.  You’re a much different nurser than your brother was.  While he liked to be on the boob every chance he had and would happily stay attached to the boob as long as he could, when you are done- you’re done! If I attempt to see if you want to nurse more, you get a sour look on your face and absolutely refuse to nurse.  You act completely repulsed by it.  The only time you will stay on longer is if you’re sleepy.  

Speaking of sleep..... this last month you started breaking out of the sleep sack swaddle and couldn’t get comfortable.  I tried unswaddling you and you couldn’t settle that way either.  I never thought I’d be okay with co-sleeping and I definitely didn’t think your dad would ever be okay with it, but here we are with you sleeping in our bed.  And you know what? It’s okay.  You won’t be in our bed forever and your dad and I are trying to soak up your littleness for just a little bit longer.  We know how fast this first year is going to fly and soon enough you’ll be in your own space and we’ll miss this.  Right now, it just makes it easier and we’re all getting sleep.  You sleep great next to me and you only wake up to nurse once or twice at night and are quick to go back to sleep. I’m not complaining about that at all.... although I never knew how much space such a little person could take up! You sure do love to stretch out and somehow always manage to move me to the very edge of the bed.  

Nap time is a little challenging... most days you take a good morning nap in your swing and then if we try to get you to nap in your swing for subsequent naps, you almost always put up a fight and I end up wearing you. Some day you’ll be sleeping in your crib, on your own, and I don’t know when that some day will be. I love having you close to me in the Ergo carrier but sometimes I just want a break and wish you’d nap on your own.  Again, something that won’t last forever so I’m trying to embrace the time you’ll allow me to wear you for naps. 

Logan, you’re a feisty baby!  I think you’re going to be our wild child.  We can already see the difference in your personality from your brother’s and look forward to seeing how similar and different you guys are.  Your brother loves to lay next to you on your playmat and try to interact with you. You’ve given him some good smiles this month and I’m so looking forward to watching your relationship and friendship grow. We love you so much Logan and are still amazed how we’ve been blessed with two amazing boys. 

I love you,