Saturday, February 23, 2019

Logan 12 Months


You surprised us with an unexpected natural pregnancy that we didn’t think was possible and gave me the opportunity to experience an amazing labor and delivery that I wouldn’t have changed for the world....except maybe making it to the hospital more than 40 minutes before you were born!  At exactly 9 pm on February 11, 2018, you came into this world and completed our family. You made Caleb a big brother and me and your dad parents again for the second time. You are such a strong, feisty, stubborn, sweet boy that keeps us on our toes. Your expressive personality makes us laugh all the time and watching you play with your brother melts our hearts.  I can’t believe my baby is a year old already and you’ll be entering toddlerhood soon. 

You are becoming such a little boy and losing your babyness every day.  You love pushing toy cars around the house and trying to keep up with your brother.  You have four teeth, weigh 29lbs and are 21 inches long.  You’re right in the 50th percentile for height and weight and 90th for your head.  You love watermelon, stroganoff, screaming, throwing food and your sippy cup on the floor, playing with remote controls & your brother, your lovey “Foxey” and bath time.  We love getting you naked and watching your naked butt b line it to the bath tub.  You have the cutest butt and strong, muscular thighs.  I love your gap toothed smile and your expressive personality.  You enjoy eating, but have a weird thing with textures.  If something doesn’t feel right in your hands, you won’t eat it.  Your sleep is still unpredictable; you wake anywhere from once to three times at night and you still take two naps a day.  

Your first birthday theme was “Wild One” in buffalo plaid.  It was a cold, rainy day but we made the most of it.  We had a lot of family and friends join us at our home to celebrate your first year of life.  You loved your smash cake and we all enjoyed watching you eat it.  Your dad and I made you a “busy board” full of your favorite things and some locks/hinges to spark your curiosity.  You had fun playing and were so tired by the time your party was over.  

Shortly after your 1st birthday, you started cruising along furniture, using a push walker to walk, standing up on your knees, saying Mom and Momma, and we started the weaning process.  I think you’re more ready than I am;  I’m trying to cling on to my baby a little bit longer.  I know the time is coming and it makes me so incredibly sad at how fast this journey went.  You have never been a comfort nurser or loved it, but I’ve enjoyed our bond and looking down at your sweet face while you nurse.  There was a time that we were so in sync and within a few seconds of me feeling a let down, you would start to fuss because you were hungry.  Now days you’re just too busy to nurse and only do it to go to sleep and when you first wake up in the morning.  

I am so excited to watch you grow and become the rough and tumble boy that I know you’ll be. You have made me a stronger mom and every day I am so grateful God blessed me with you. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom, my little meatball. I love you more than you’ll ever know!



Thursday, January 24, 2019

Logan 11 Months

11 Months


In one short month you’ll be a year old and that’s so incredibly hard to believe.  We had lots of firsts this month and I’ll try to summarize all of the many things you’re now doing.

You started the month with another cold, being a momma’s boy and having some separation anxiety when I walked out of the room.  You seem to have grown out of it for the most part and love the sense of freedom you get from crawling around the house.  You started waving hi and bye much more this month and you now shake your head no when we say no.  When we take something away from you that you’re not supposed to have or redirect you, you get soooo upset and throw little tantrums! You’ll stiffen out your back, kick your legs and scream. You’ve got quite the ‘tude little man.  

You’re officially pulling yourself up to standing on everything; but you first started in the bath tub. You love the different view of things around you now and with this comes new things to explore!  You absolutely love crawling to the play room and playing with your brother.  You are our little tornado and enjoy throwing everything out of the toy bins, playing with the toilet paper and pulling all of the DVDs out of the entertainment center.  You even inspired us to get rid of the majority of our DVDs just so we didn’t have to keep cleaning up the mess! You love pulling on chords, and playing with the carbon monoxide detector- that ended up moving out of your reach because you were totally drawn to it.  

When you are tired or want to be picked up, you will crawl over to me and head butt my legs.  You also love to head butt your brother and snuggle with stuffed animals.  You like to crawl under the coffee table, kitchen chairs and end tables and you end up bumping your head almost every single time in the exact same spot! You had a permanent bruise on the top right of your forehead for weeks.

You still love to feed yourself and have started spitting water out after you take a drink from your sippy cup.  You get soaked! You also like to throw your cup or pouch on the ground when you don’t want them anymore, but we’re working on you handing them to us when you no longer want them. So far, it works about 30% of the time.  You’re going much longer in between nursing sessions and don’t really want to nurse unless it’s first thing in the morning, going to sleep or in the middle of the night.  

You officially have both top teeth in and have the cutest gap that totally changes the way you look. You started grinding your teeth after both teeth came through and it’s the most awful sound ever!  I can’t wait until this phase is over.  

We celebrated your first Christmas at home with Nama Desiree, Papa Jim, Nama Debbie, Papa Scott, Papa Jeff and Titi Cole.  You got a lot of cute clothes and we got you a push car to ride in when we go for walks.  You love it! You met Santa for the first time and you were indifferent about him.  You didn’t cry, but you weren’t happy about it either.  

You say “Dada” all of the time and are trying to say dog.  Your version of dog is “dahg dahg”.  When you see our cats you will attempt to say cat, but it still sounds a lot like dog.  You have yet to say Mama, but that’s okay. It’ll come in time.  You’re understanding much more now and when we ask you where the dogs, cats, your cup, light, dad, mom and brother are you will look in the right direction. You’re not that into sitting still to read books and I’m hoping that’ll change in the coming months.  

Logan, you are such a busy body and the sweetest soul. While you’re not much of a cuddler, you love to be held and be a part of everything.  You’re growing up so fast and I’m trying to soak in every moment since I know we won’t get to experience them again in another baby of our own.  Thank you for being mine.  I love you sassy pants!
