Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Logan 4 Months


My little Michelin man! You are starting to chunk up and get sweet baby rolls.  At your 4 month check up you weighed 15.9lbs and were 25 inches long.  You’re in the 50th percentile for height and weight, but your head is in the 90th! You handled your shots like a champ and only cried until I nursed you.  

You’re still drooling like crazy, but there’s no sign of any teeth coming through quite yet.  You love to suck on your hands and fingers too.  You rolled from belly to back this month!! For the most part, you enjoy tummy time and being on your play mat.  You grab your toys now and bring them to your mouth. You also started sitting up in your Bumbo and you enjoy the change of scenery.  You look like such a big boy when you’re sitting up. You enjoy being outside and looking up at the trees as well.  The swaying of the tree branches/leaves mesmerize you.  

You went on your first family vacation to San Diego while your dad was playing soccer in the Police & Fire Championships.  You did amazing... although it took a day or two for you to get used to your car seat.  You would cry at the top of your lungs to and from the soccer fields, about 30 mins, but eventually you got used to being in the car and started falling asleep in your car seat. 

We’re still breastfeeding and not much has changed with that.  You’re an efficient nurser and handle business.  You started playing “peek-a-boob” while nursing where you’ll nurse, pop off, smile at me and go back to nursing.  You’ll do that several times until you decide you’re just done.  We’re still co-sleeping and I’m still wearing you for most of your naps, but we’re hoping to get you in your crib this next month.  I have a feeling I’ll have some sleepless nights while you get adjusted to being on your own. But, it was bound to happen eventually! 

I love having a second son and simply adore you, Logan.  Our bond is something so incredibly special.  Your smile lights up a room and there’s nothing like looking down at you while you’re nursing and staring into each other’s eyes.  I cherish this time I have with you while I can still snuggle you, because all too soon I know you’ll be on the move busy exploring the world around you.  

I love you,