Thursday, March 22, 2018

Logan 1 Month


I can hardly believe you’re already a month old.  It feels like I was just pregnant with you and feeling you kick around in my belly.  You’ve proven to be as vocal as you were active in my belly.  When you don’t like something or when you want to nurse, you have no problem letting us know and you usually go from 0 to 100 in a second.  You had a very busy first month of life with doctors appointments and it felt like that’s all we did for several weeks.  Between checking your bilirubin levels every other day the first week of your life, getting circumcised, having ultrasounds, meeting with your urologist and nephrologist and having your lip tie corrected, we’re finally on a break from appointments until you’re 2 months old. 

You sure love being held- mostly by your momma and I don’t blame you at all.  For the first month you slept on me at night because you didn’t like being put down and I didn’t mind one bit.  I enjoyed your snuggles and while I would have preferred to sleep laying down in bed, I know these nights won’t last forever.  Eventually you’ll be too big to fall asleep on my chest the way you do now and you’ll be sleeping in your own bed.  This last week, I’ve gotten better about putting you in the rock n play at night and some nights you do really well in it and other nights you still want to be held.  On the good nights, your first stretch of sleep is 3 hours and then you nurse and go back to sleep in your rock n play for 2 hour stretches the rest of the night.  On the not so good nights it’s a struggle of putting you down and picking you up until I give up because I’m so tired and just bring you in bed with me.  During the day you’re still pretty sleepy, but are starting to become more alert and awake for longer stretches.  We’ve figured out if you have a longer stretch of awake time in the evenings, you typically sleep better at night.  

You nurse every 2 to 3 hours and are becoming a more efficient nurser.  You’re not much of a comfort nurser at this point and when you’re done nursing you generally want nothing to do with the boob.  You’ve gained almost 3 pounds and grew an inch and a half your first month! You are a peeing and pooping machine.  One day you went through 5 diapers in a matter of minutes because you kept pooping every time I put a clean diaper on you! I couldn’t help but laugh.  I’ve been peed and pooped on several times already and I know it’s only the beginning.  

Logan, you are such a sweet baby and I could stare at you all day.  You have the cutest little features and I think you look just like your momma.  I know this next month you’ll start to be more alert and require more of our time.  I’m excited to watch you grow, develop your own personality and build a relationship with your brother who absolutely adores you. 

I love you,