Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 1!

After being 4 days late, and thinking for a split second that maybe I got pregnant naturally (Ha!) my cycle finally started today. I couldn't wait to call our fertility clinic to start our frozen embryo cycle. We were a little worried the embryo transfer would interfere with our planned trip to the 49ers and Chiefs game on October 5th, but it turns out the frozen cycles take a lot longer to prepare for than a fresh IVF cycle! 

So, tomorrow I'll start birth control again for a couple of weeks to suppress my ovaries and get the timing of the transfer just right. After the birth control, I'll start estrogen in pill and patch form to build up the lining of my uterus to at least 8 millimeters, about 2 weeks. When it reaches that marker, I'll start progesterone (yuck!) to prepare for the transfer. Once things are going as planned, they'll thaw our babies and schedule the transfer. The nurse thinks the transfer will happen mid to late October! We'll get our calendar with all the dates within the next 24 hours, but for now.... I am so excited to be starting this crazy journey again and feel so hopeful that we'll be pregnant by the end of this year : ) 


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