Tuesday, October 7, 2014

In two weeks...

I'll be pregnant until proven otherwise (PUPO) with twins or possibly triplets! Not sure if I mentioned it in a previous post, but we are planning on thawing 3 of our embryos for this cycle and Dr. Norian is on board with our plans. If all three survive the thaw, we'll be transferring all three. So exciting!  Unfortunately, we won't find out how many survived the thaw until the day of the transfer because they start thawing them the day before. Dr. Norian told us last week that the embryologists have been having great success rates with the number of embryos surving the thaw, so fingers crossed! Even if only one makes it through the thaw we will be totally ecstatic. We are staying positive this cycle and know that we will have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! 

And we won't need to have assisted hatching done! Assisted hatching is where the embryologist does the slightest cut in the outer shell of the embryo to assist it from breaking out of the shell and implanting into the uterus. All of our embryos were frozen on day 5 or 6 after being fertilized and were already starting to hatch. So that's great news and less money out of our pocket because yes, assisted hatching is indeed an additional cost in the thousands. 

At today's appointment Dr. Norian said I'm right on track for the transfer to be done on 2 weeks. My uterine lining is thickening, it's at 8mm now, and my ovaries are nice and "quiet". I'm up to three estrogen pills a day and still changing one estrogen patch every three days. So, I'm responding well to the estrogen and unfortunately becoming a little moodier/irritable as the days go by. All just a small price to pay for such an amazing blessing : ) 


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