Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Our frozen cycle is underway!

We've officially started the process for our frozen embryo transfer! I started birth control about a month and a half ago and took my last dose on November 20th. The week prior I received all of the medication for the cycle and I'm not so thrilled about having to do an estrogen injection every 3 days starting November 24th and daily progesterone injections starting December 8th. For our cycle with Caleb, I didn't have to do any injections. Dr. Norian explained he switched to injectables because he has noticed a decrease in miscarriages and an increase in pregnancies with them. Good enough for me.

Today we had our first monitoring appointment where the lining of my uterus and follicles were checked via ultrasound and I had my blood drawn to check my estrogen level. Everything looked good and we were instructed how to draw up and administer the estrogen injectable. The nurse suggested I do the injection in the morning so it has more time to work its way out through massage/movement during the day, rather than at night when there's a higher chance of it not getting massaged out. 

My next appointment is December 8th and we're planning for a December 12th transfer. We're getting really excited and have both a boy and girl name picked out for our second baby. We would really love for Caleb to have a brother, but know that he will be an amazing big brother to a sister as well. 


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