Saturday, February 7, 2015

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Sweet potato, just over 5 1/2 inches long and almost 7 ounces! Little man is growing so fast!
Total weight gain: 8.5 pounds! Eeek! But totally within normal range at this point. 
Stretch marks? Just the one on my boob!
Maternity clothes? I finally bought 3 pairs of maternity pants and they are heaven! I've heard such bad things about how maternity pants fit, but the ones I got actually fit pretty well. I was pleasantly surprised to find some that were long enough and looked like normal pants. 
Sleep: Getting up once or twice to go pee and still tossing and turning a lot at night which is a huge bummer. I love my sleep... When it's solid.
Best moment this week: Actually sleeping in last Saturday until about 9:30. It was amazing. Aaaaaand I'm pretty confident I felt Caleb move on Wednesday! It felt like little pops. I can't wait to feel him move more. 
Miss anything? A solid nights sleep.
Food cravings: Nothing new this week! Just hungry all the damn time.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! 
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: Still going to the bathroom all the time, hungry and gassy. On Monday I got an awful lower backache, but thankfully it only lasted until Wednesday. At the same time I started getting really congested and I'm still fighting that off, but it seems to be getting better. Thank you, Neti Pot. My skin has been really dry the last several weeks and I can't seem to get enough lotion. My upper back has been itching like crazy! 
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.... And sassy. 
Looking forward to: Feeling Caleb move more and Chris feeling him! 


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