Friday, July 3, 2015

39 weeks

How far along? 39 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: A watermelon, 19-22 inches long and almost 7 pounds.
Total weight gain: 34 pounds. 
Stretch marks? Still have the one in between my belly button piercing and  a few small ones on my sides. 
Maternity clothes? Everyday! Maternity pants/shorts, maxi skirts and dresses. 
Sleep: Same as last week. I wake up about every two hours to go pee and switch what side I'm laying on.
Best moment this week: Finding out my body is starting to prepare for labor. Not that it means I'll be going into labor any time soon, but at least it's doing something! 
Miss anything? Nothing other than the usual.... 
Food cravings: Nada. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks.... They come all the time and can be pretty uncomfortable. Also getting menstrual like cramps low in my abdomen pretty regularly and I've definitely dropped. 
Symptoms: Still peeing all the time, the joints in my hands and feet have been sore/swollen the last few weeks, occasional swelling in my feet/ankles, braxton hicks, rib pain and sharp pinching pains in my cervix. 
Belly button in or out?  It's slowly making itself an outtie. 
Wedding rings on or off: Off. I wear them on a necklace around my neck
Happy or moody most of the time:  Im equally happy and moody. Still a sassafras.
Looking forward to: Meeting our little guy! 

At our appointment on Thursday, my doctor check my cervix for any changes and I'm officially 1/2 centimeter dilated and 60% effaced. He said my cervix has softened and is doing all the right things to prepare for labor. When he checked me, he actually felt Caleb's head which is super weird! He offered to strip my membranes to hopefully get labor started, but we opted not to since we aren't even to my due date. As much as we can't wait to meet Caleb, we want my body to do as much as it can on its own before any interventions. We have our next appointment, if we make it that far, on the 9th (my due date). If we're still playing the waiting game, we'll consider stripping my membranes to start the process. However, I really don't think we'll make it to next Thursday. I've been cramping pretty consistently lately and having a ton of Braxton Hicks contractions. I'm trying to walk every day for at least 30 minutes and bounce on my birthing ball to get him to drop lower. 


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