Sunday, April 19, 2015

28 weeks!

How far along? 28 weeks! 
Baby is the size of an: Eggplant... Which I'm pretty sure one of my apps said he was the same size a few weeks ago.  Still about 15 inches long and 2.5 pounds. 
Total weight gain: About 21 pounds. 
Stretch marks? Drinking a ton of water and layering up with lotions to try and prevent them as long as possible. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants all day, err day. And maxi skirts. 
Sleep: The same as last week. I've been getting up twice a night to go to the bathroom. Usually around 12 am and 5 am. Other than that, sleep has been pretty decent. 
Best moment this week: Finally finding curtains for Caleb's nursery that I like! 
Miss anything? Nothing I can think of....
Food cravings: I had a really strong craving for fish and chips with lemon this week. I never crave fish and chips! So, on my lunch break at work I satisfied my craving and It was amazing! The same day I wanted a soft served ice cream cone from McDonalds and got that as well. Not a great day for healthy eating, but those kind of days are few and far between for me so I didn't feel guilty at all. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! 
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: Last night I'm pretty sure I experienced Braxton Hicks for the first time. I know they're not anything to be concerned about and aren't close to the real thing, but they definitely took me by surprise! 
Symptoms: Still a bit congested and the sore/tender spot to the left of my belly button in the afternoons/evenings comes and goes. One day it'll hurt and I can't get Caleb to move and the next day I don't feel it at all. I've been extra thirsty this week and have been waking up super thirsty in the middle of the night, which doesn't help my frequent peeling..... Which has also increased this week. Seems like as soon as I leave the bathroom I have to go again. 
Belly button in or out?  In. Still hasn't popped out yet. 
Wedding rings on or off: On. I've noticed my ring is harder to get off in the mornings then in the evenings. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I'm drinking a ton of water every day, a gallon or more, to prevent swelling and I definitely think it's been helping during the day. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and sassy still.
Looking forward to: Seeing Whitney Cummings at The Improv tonight! We're in need of a date night for sure. Our next prenatal appointment is Monday and then our breast feeding class is on Tuesday. 

I am officially in the third trimester this week! Where has the time gone? This pregnancy has gone by so quickly and I'm amazed with the little life growing inside me. Caleb is constantly moving and rolling around now and his movements are getting so much stronger. I absolutely love feeling him move and am in awe all the time. I know I'll miss that the most when he's born. 

The nursery is still a work in progress decoration wise. I'm on my third set of curtains for the nursery, but I think I finally found ones that I really like. We're going to put some floating shelves up for Caleb's books near our glider and a sign with an amazing quote our friends Jesse and Traci got us on the wall near his crib. There's a sign I want to buy off Etsy as well and then just hang some picture frames on another wall. We also want to install a ceiling fan in his room and buy a side table to go next to the glider.  I think it'll all come together nicely and can't wait to see it complete! 


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