Sunday, April 5, 2015

26 Weeks!

How far along? 26 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: Head of lettuce. About 15 inches long and 2.5 pounds. I've never seen a head of lettuce that's 15 inches long, but hey..... 
Total weight gain: As of my appointment on Tuesday, I've gained about 17 pounds. 
Stretch marks? Just the one on my boob. Drinking a ton of water and layering up with lotions to try and prevent them as long as possible. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants all day, err day. And maxi skirts. 
Sleep: Some nights I only get up once to go pee and other nights I get up about four times. My belly has been putting some strain on my lower back when I sleep on my side, so I got a Boppy wedge this weekend to help. 
Best moment this week: My mom came to visit this weekend and we were constantly on the go running errands for Caleb's shower, looking for nursery decorations and putting together the invitations for the shower.  My mom also bought us a pack 'n play and wipe warmer, which of course are already set up!  It was a super busy weekend, but so nice to have her here. 
Miss anything? Nothing I can think of....
Food cravings: Dill pickles!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! 
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: Still can't eat that much for dinner without getting full quickly.  Last Saturday my ankles swelled up but I'm pretty sure that was due to sitting in a car for 7 hours : / Since then, my ankles and feet have been completely normal. I've been getting pains in certain areas of my belly, which I'm pretty sure are a result of Caleb pushing out and laying on a specific area for too long. 
Belly button in or out?  In.  It's definitely getting more shallow and wider if the makes sense?
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been a complete sassafras and a hormonal mess this week. Sometimes I just need to cry for no reason. 
Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery, Caleb's shower and taking our maternity pictures in May. 

My prenatal appointment on Tuesday went well. Although our little guy is in the 95% percentile for growth, my uterus is measuring right on track. I think we're just gonna have a long baby, go figure! I have to take the glucose test within the next week or 2 to check for gestational diabetes, but I'm not too worried about it. Our next appointment is April 20th and then I'll be going in every 2 weeks until I'm 36 weeks pregnant. So crazy to think I'm almost in the third trimester- time is flying! 


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