Sunday, March 29, 2015

25 Weeks

How far along? 25 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a:  Cauliflower. 13-15 inches and 1.5-2.5 pounds. I'm guessing Caleb is on the longer side, pushing 15 inches ; ) 
Total weight gain: 15 pounds?
Stretch marks? Just the one on my boob. Drinking a ton of water and layering up with lotions to try and prevent them as long as possible. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants all day, err day. And maxi skirts. 
Sleep: Pretty much the same! Some nights I only get up once to go pee and other nights I get up about four times. 
Best moment this week: Feeling Caleb move. This week his movements have definitely gotten stronger and more consistent. He moves around so much and it always puts a smile on my face. This week he would kick back when I pushed on my stomach. I love playing with him. 
Miss anything? Not this week.
Food cravings: Blueberry Eggo waffles are new this week. Definitely not the healthiest breakfast option, but they've been delicious. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! 
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: Hopefully not for a very long time! 
Symptoms: This week I had awful gas pains. I woke up last Sunday with an upset stomach and for the next 2-3 days I had sharp gas pains that lasted all day. It was awful and I'm so thankful that has passed. I just think little man is growing and pushing things up and out of the way for him. I can't eat that much for dinner anymore either without getting full quickly. It's sad. I also experienced my first leg cramp in the middle of the night this week. Waking up to a Charlie horse out of a dead sleep was pretty exciting....I'm finally starting to experience the not so fun side effects of pregnancy. Wah wah..... He's been good to me so far, so I guess I'm due! 
Belly button in or out?  In.  It's definitely getting more shallow and wider if the makes sense? 
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Both..... and slightly emotional. I'm definitely feeling more needy this week and wanting Chris to just hug me randomly so I feel better lol 
Looking forward to: lots of things! Decorating the nursery, my mom visiting early April, our shower and taking our maternity pictures in May. We signed up for a breastfeeding class in April and then a 4 week birth class that's every Tuesday night in May. 


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