Sunday, May 10, 2015

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 weeks! 
Baby is the size of a: Pineapple. 17 inches long and 3.5 pounds. 
Total weight gain: 25 pounds. 
Stretch marks? Drinking a ton of water and layering up with my Lush massage bar and lotions to try and prevent them as long as possible.
Maternity clothes? Everyday! Maternity pants/shorts, maxi skirts and dresses. 
Sleep: Pretty much the same as last week! Getting up at least twice to go to the bathroom and tossing and turning.  
Best moment this week: Taking our maternity pictures on Monday!! So much fun and it ended up being a gorgeous day in the mountains.
Miss anything? Nothing new.
Food cravings: None this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! 
Gender: BOY!!!!! 
Labor signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Peeing nonstop and feeling little man digging his heel, elbow or whatever other body part into my bladder, occasional ankle swelling, vivid and odd dreams, scatter brained, clumsy, tired and heartburn/acid reflux has been awful this week! I've been eating Tums like they're candy. Pretty much anything you think wouldn't give you heartburn, gives me heartburn- water, cereal, gum, milk, cottage cheese and watermelon. So weird. 
Belly button in or out?  In. Still hasn't popped out yet. 
Wedding rings on or off: On. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. 
Looking forward to: Caleb's shower next weekend!! And my last day of work- June 19th! 

This week has been so busy for us! On Monday we took our maternity pictures with the same photographer who did our engagement and wedding pictures. We planned on doing them at a park in Yucaipa, but when I woke up on Monday it was cloudy and the forecast didn't look the greatest. I got a hold of our photographer and after going back and forth on whether we wanted to reschedule or change locations, we decided to change locations. We ended up going to Running Springs where we were above the clouds and the weather was beautiful. Our photographer is from Running Springs, so she knows a lot of hidden places that are gorgeous. We got a sneak peak at a couple of our pictures and I can't wait to see the rest! 

On Tuesday night, we had the first session of our four part birth class. We worked on relaxation and breathing techniques and the basics of what to expect when labor starts. Fun stuff! 

On Wednesday, I had a prenatal appointment that Chris wasn't able to go to due to his work schedule, but it wasn't a big deal. Just the typical check in where they weigh you, take your blood pressure, measure your belly and listen to the baby's heart. So far so good. I'm measuring right at 31 weeks, my blood pressure is still good and Caleb's heart beat was 139. 

After my prenatal appointment, I went to my primary doctor's office to get the Tdap shot. The shot itself wasn't a big deal- I hardly felt it at all, but later that evening and for a few days after, my arm was pretty sore and I still have a little bruise from the injection site. Super easy though, I was in and out of the office within 5 minutes! 

On Wednesday night we decided to take advantage of Chris being off work at a decent time and me taking half the day off for appointments to do the maternity ward tour at our hospital. They offer the tours every Wednesday night and don't require you to pre-register, so it worked out great. The nurse who did our tour was hilarious and brutally honest with everything, which I totally appreciate. Our hospital is definitely pro-breastfeeding and they like you to labor as long as possible at home to prevent unnecessary medical interventions. I'm definitely going to put 100% into breastfeeding and doing everything possible to make sure we're successful. We planned on staying home as long as possible when I go into labor as well and I'm not totally opposed to getting an epidural or other pain medication, but I do want to try to go without any meds for as long as possible. We'll see how I react when that time comes though! 


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