Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Scare and 2nd Ultrasound

Today we had our second ultrasound and it couldn't have come sooner. On Saturday I was getting ready so we could go to our friend's house warming party that evening when I went to the bathroom and noticed bright red blood on my panty liner. I immediately freaked out. I wiped, there was more blood. Wiped again and it was still there. I started thinking the worst and told Chris what was going on. I didn't have any cramping and decided to call my fertility doctor for some direction/advice. After talking to him, he basically told me bleeding/spotting in early pregnancy is pretty normal and unless I was having cramps and bleeding excessively I didn't need to rush to the Emergency Room. He told me to take it easy, keep my feet up and increased my progesterone suppositories to 4 times a day (yaaaay 👎). So, our plans got cancelled and we spent the rest of our day and evening hanging out in bed watching home make over shows. Within 30 minutes the bleeding stopped and changed to dark spotting. After about 24 hours, it completely stopped. Why I started bleeding/spotting, I have no idea and neither does the doctor, but it freaked me out. 

This morning my stomach was in knots. Since Saturday I was questioning all of my pregnancy symptoms and wondering if maybe we lost the baby before Saturday. I didn't want to see that our baby hasn't grown or that it didn't have a heart beat. Much to my surprise and relief, our baby is just fine! On our ultrasound it was measuring 2 days ahead (8 weeks) and had a very strong heart beat at 161 beats per minute. I was so relieved to see that little nugget and could have listened to the heart beat all day. We saw the baby's little T-Rex arms and little stubby legs that are already starting to form. It was amazing. 

The doctor told us everything looked great and to continue taking my medication as directed. I'll be all done with my progesterone lozenges tomorrow and don't need to get those refilled. I'll continue using the progesterone suppositories 4 times a day until Friday when I can go back down to 3 times a day. Our next appointment is December 11th when I'll be 10 weeks and hopefully our nugget will look more like a baby and not a blob! That'll also be when we 'graduate' from our fertility clinic and the rest of my pre-natal appointments will be with my OB-GYN. 


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