Monday, November 3, 2014

Baby Benson(s) due July 2015!!

We're pregnant! I AM PREGNANT! I am so shocked! I'm like super pregnant! 

The last two weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions for me, hence why I haven't updated my blog. So here's what's been going on....

After the transfer, I felt so positive. For the first 48 hours I stayed on bed rest. I had cramping during that time, which was to be expected after the transfer but nothing unbearable. 3-4dp5dt (3-4 days past 5 day transfer) I felt occasional cramping, but nothing like the first two days. It was very mild and this was when my roller coaster started to go down. I started doubting this cycle and thinking I should have felt more by that time and I wasn't. 

On 5dp5dt, my lower back ached all day. It was as if I moved heavy boxes the day before, which I didn't. At about 5:30 that evening, I went to the restroom and noticed light spotting. I kinda freaked out. I thought either my cervix was getting irritated from the awesome progesterone suppositories I have to use 3 times a day or my period was coming. I thought it was too late in the cycle for implantation bleeding and that didn't really cross my mind as an option. 

The next day, on 6dp5dt I went back to work and sent an e-mail to my nurse about my backache, spotting and getting my blood test moved to October 31st instead of November 3rd. A few hours later, I got a call from my nurse. She told me the spotting and backache could be a pregnancy symptom or my period on its way. I don't get a back ache before starting my period, ever. She told me to just take it easy and they weren't too worried about the spotting since it wasn't heavy and it only happened the one time. The doctor was okay with me doing the pregnancy blood test on the 31st, but if the results were negative he still wanted me to test the next week. That evening, I fell asleep on the couch around 8. I was exhausted. 

On 7 and 8dp5dt, I had a little spotting again. It was very very light, but enough for this neurotic chick to notice it. I also started becoming really thirsty, despite drinking a ton of water. I've been drinking nearly 3 liters of water a day and still can't get enough. My mouth isn't dry, but I just feel thirsty. So with drinking a lot of water, comes more frequent trips to the bathroom. I also lost my appetite around this time. I'm hungry, but nothing sounds good to eat. I've basically just been eating foods I know I like rather than things that sound good to eat, if that makes sense. I did get tired during the day and wanted to nap, but of course I couldn't at work. 

9dp5dt, the same continued. I had aching cramps, very similar to starting my period. I've had little pinching sensations in my uterus and almost tugging sensations from my belly button since 7dp5dt. It's very strange. 

On 10dp5dt, October 31st I woke up hungry. I went and had my blood drawn at 9:15, then Chris and I went to breakfast at one of our favorite places. Afterwards, we went to the outlets to shop and help pass the time before we got the phone call. At 2pm, my nurse called me. My heart instantly started to race and I put the phone on speaker so we could both hear the results. The nurse said she was calling to let me know the lab hadn't received my samples to do the test! Despite going in first thing in the morning and the test being ordered STAT. She let me know the office closed at 4 that day and they may or may not get the results in time. She said if they do come in after 4, the doctor may or may not call me. I was not happy and did not want to wait until Monday for the results. I told Chris I wanted to stop at the store and get a pregnancy test. He agreed since I would have found out the results that day anyways. 

After an hour or so, we left the outlets and stopped at the store on our way home. At about 3:30, I took the test cause I was so anxious. I was seriously expecting it to be negative. My boobs didn't hurt at all and so many women experience that as their first symptom. I dipped the test and set it on the counter as Chris and I watched it. The 'pregnant' line came up instantly and so much darker than I expected. I was shocked and said a few curse words. I cried and so did Chris. We were and are ecstatic. I kept looking at the test and thinking I didn't "feel" pregnant at all. I was in complete shock. 

I never got a phone call on Friday. I took another pregnancy test Saturday morning to make sure the line was just as dark, If not darker, and it was a tad darker than the control line. At about 10 am, our doctor called me and we talked about how frustrated we were with the lab and how nothing goes as planned. He told me my progesterone and HcG (pregnancy hormone) came back "outstanding" and I am in fact pregnant! He said my estrogen was a little low, but he wasn't too concerned about it. I just have to increase my estrogen medication a little. My first beta HcG at 10dp5dt came back at 229! Anything over 100 is amazing. 

I go back on Thursday for my next HcG test to make sure the numbers are increasing.  By that time, my HcG should be around 900 or higher.  If all comes back good, then I'll have an ultrasound the following week to see how many babies were expecting! 

We are ecstatic and over the moon. We feel so blessed that we are finally pregnant! After nearly 4 years of actively trying, our prayers have been answered. Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts, support and prayers. They mean more than you know! 


1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for the two of you! I can't wait to be a great aunt!
    Love you both! Aunt Dawn
