Monday, July 21, 2014

Post Egg Retrieval

Since the egg retrieval I've felt pretty good. On Friday I was a bit crampy and stayed on the couch or in bed for most of the day. I took some Tylenol with Codeine and my heating pad was pretty much on me at all times.  On Saturday I was a bit bloated, but nothing unbearable.  I think that was mostly due to the meds I'm on and slowing down my digestion... Yay! Speaking of meds, I don't have any injections anymore but I do have all this.... 
I take most of the medication 3 times a day and the white wand with the thing to the left is the suppository- that I need to do 3 times a day. Whoever came up with the idea of having progesterone as a vaginal suppository is an asshole. Those have been, by far, the worst thing from this whole process.  I can't wait until Dr. Norian says I can stop using them. With all the hormones and meds I'm on, you'd think id be a basket case but I think I'm handling it all pretty well. My emotions have been pretty stable and I haven't had any crazy side effects. I'll leave out the TMI side effects for the sake of my parents and Chris' parents who read this, but if you really want to know- message me! 

I haven't had any signs of Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS), which could potentially cancel the transfer, and I'm pretty sure I've been drinking my body weight in water, Powerade and coconut water.  They told me to drink 3 liters a day and I think I've surpassed that every day. I drank a ton of water on a regular basis before this whole process, so it hasn't been too hard to drink more. I've also learned to love prunes... Which are a necessity with the whole IVF process. If you or anyone you know are going to be starting IVF, I highly suggest drinking a ton of water and stocking up on some prunes! 

I continue to feel better each day and yesterday Chris and I walked each dog individually, which ended up being a 2 hour task, but it felt so good to get outside and enjoy that bright thing we call sun! I returned to work today and plan to work tomorrow. Then on Wednesday we have the transfer and I'll be off work until the following Monday so the baby or babies can nestle in! I really wish we got more updates on how our embryos were doing, but I have faith they are doing well and we will have atleast one amazing embryo to transfer on Wednesday! 


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